Dale Eames has stepped up to defeat Arizona Democrat incumbent Ed Ableser in the Arizona Senate. Right now, Dale needs 1200 signatures. Please help him! He is a Conservative who has registered as an Independent in order to capture the huge Independent registered voters.
If not for Dale, Ed Ableser would have no opposition!
Today, May 20, is a special election in Tempe. There are 13 polling places. Please call Dale to let him know you can help him! 480-330-3485. His email address is Dale@DaleEames.com.
As an Independent, Dale can collect signatures from Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, and any registered voter!
You do NOT have to be in Dale’s district LD26 in order to help him gather signatures. If you do live in LD26, you can sign his petition online HERE.
Dale is doing this solely because he loves America. He has stated, "I cannot sit by and do nothing as the Federal Government takes away more of our State’s rights. The Federal Government controls about 80% of Arizona’s Lands. They were supposed to turn it over to the state back in the 1970’s but nothing has happened. Think of the boost to Arizona’s economy if we got this land back. We might actually be able to buy back our capitol building."
Dale stands for State’s Rights, Limited Government, Free Market Principles, and Less Regulation to promote business in Arizona.
See Also: