Voter Fraud in Arizona’s 2014 Election? You be the Judge

Find out below what this thug was saying to A J LaFaro, the Chairman of Maricopa County Republican Party.   

On August 25, I was working with the Maricopa County Elections Staff observing early ballot processing at their MCTEC Facility located at 510 S. Third Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85003.  The team processing the early ballots through the optical scanning equipment had gotten way ahead of the “upstream” citizen boards preparing the early ballot batches for processing.  The Information Systems Coordinator for Maricopa County Elections decided the team would take an extended lunch break from 11:30am until 1:00pm, so I decided to relax and read my Wall Street Journal out in the main foyer area of the MCTEC Facility.  I was seated at one of the cubicles looking toward the reception area that is now behind bullet proof glass because of the violence and protesting that occurred by militant groups during the November, 2012, General Election.

Here is the narrative of the video above.  This happened between 12:54pm and 1:04pm on August 25, 2014:


I was seated at one of the cubicles in the outer foyer of the Maricopa County Elections MCTEC Facility facing the protected reception area. The main entry to the foyer and facility was behind me to the right.  At approximately 12:55pm, I heard a loud thud behind me and turned around to see what was going on.  A person wearing a Citizens for a Better Arizona (CBA) t-shirt dropped a large box of hundreds of early ballots on the table and started stuffing the ballot box as I watched in amazement.  

The following dialog occurred:

Person from CBA:  “What’s your problem?”

A. J. LaFaro:  “I don’t have a problem.”

Person from CBA: “Stop watching me.  You’re annoying me.” 

I continued to watch.

A. J. LaFaro:  “One of your ballots isn’t sealed.”

Person from CBA:  “It’s none of your business.  What’s your name?”

A. J. LaFaro:  “I’m the Chairman of the Maricopa County Republican Party.  What’s yours?”

Person from CBA:  “Go fuck yourself!  I don’t have to tell you who I am.”

He continued to stuff the ballot box and took a photo of several ballots that he staged in the slot of the ballot box.  He hid behind the ballot box and table as he slipped the unsealed ballot into his brief and left.  He came back with the unsealed ballot that he sealed outside and dropped in the ballot box.

As he was leaving, he said, “Go fuck yourself gringo.” 

I don’t know if that person in the video is an illegal alien, a dreamer or a citizen.  What I do know is that he was a vulgar, disrespectful, violent thug who has no respect for our laws.  I would have followed him to the parking lot to take down his tag number, but I feared for my life.

I believe it’s inconceivable, unacceptable and should be illegal for groups to collect hundreds, if not thousands, of voter’s ballots and return them to the elections offices or polling locations.  And let’s not forget the “ballot parties” that occur where people gather en masse and give their unvoted ballots to operatives of organizations like Citizens for a Better Arizona so they can not only collect them but vote them illegally.  America used to be a nation of laws where one person had one vote.  I’m sad to say not anymore.

Arizona’s current General Election is going to be one of the closest in our State’s history.  The progressive socialist Democrats, the liberal Independents and I am sad to say liberal Republicans (who are Republicans In Name Only – RINOs) are doing everything they can to turn Arizona dark blue. Their liberal agenda of Higher Taxes, bigger government, ObamaCare Medicaid expansion, Common Core, Crony Capitalism, Amnesty for illegal aliens, Same sex marriage, Abortion, and Never Ending War around the globe need to be defeated now – both in Arizona and in America.

That’s why I’m asking all of you to continue walking your precincts, your neighborhoods and communities getting the vote out and chasing the ballots.  To please continue your hard work by volunteering for your candidates, a citizens board, as a poll worker, as a poll watcher or a hand count audit board worker.

With everyone’s tireless efforts – ALL of our Republican candidates can win on November 4.

Democrats Cry Against Suppression and Disenfranchisement!

The Secretary of State, the Counties and the State Legislature passed some great election laws in 2013 that resulted in HB-2305.  I know because I testified at several of the hearings.  What did the progressive socialists and militant groups cry after the laws were passed? 

Suppression and disenfranchisement of the Hispanic and minority voters et. al. so they could force the repeal HB-2305 and continue their voter fraud activities. 

Republicans Fight for Protection of our Elections and Integrity of the Vote

During the August 26 Primary election cycle, I worked long hard days, for three weeks straight, with the Maricopa County Elections Department and all the wonderful citizen volunteers.  We participated in every aspect of the election cycle as the official representative for the Republican Party –logic and accuracy tests, citizen boards, early ballot processing, poll watching, hand count audit board and sign-off on the unofficial final election results that were canvassed by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors.  I describe our efforts as “the protection of our elections and the integrity of the vote.”

On August 26, we were scheduled to start early ballot processing at MCTEC at 9:00am. So from 6:00am until 8:20am I went poll watching in South Tempe and Guadalupe.  I went to four polling locations – the last one being the main one in Guadalupe.  I wanted to watch a Guadalupe polling location because the DOJ said they were going to assign their attorneys to Guadalupe to make sure Sheriff Joe and his deputies didn’t terrorize and disenfranchise the Hispanic voters.

Where is the DOJ ensuring that Sheriff Joe didn’t Terrorize and Disenfranchise Hispanic Voters?  Oh, must be at the “Big Ballot Party”

I entered the Guadalupe polling location, and I identified myself to the Poll Inspector and showed her my Arizona drivers license.  There were five poll workers sitting around pretty much doing nothing.  There had been three ballots ran through the machine, one early ballot in the secured lock box and one person who couldn’t speak English filling out a provisional ballot.  I watched for about 20 minutes then left.  As I was leaving, I stopped and spoke with the Poll Marshall.  I asked him why it was so slow and he said that they had a big “ballot party” on Saturday. 

By the way, I didn’t see one person from the DOJ.

With my deepest respect and appreciation to all those fighting for our Republic,

A. J. LaFaro
Chairman, Maricopa County Republican Committee (MCRC)