From the website Opt Out AZ.
"What are some of the problems with AZMerit?
• It is unconstitutional and violates the 4th Amendment. Personally identifiable information will be collected on your student and can be distributed among companies and organizations that participated in the development and implementation of the Common Core Standards. This data will also be stored by the U.S. Department of Education and can become part of your student’s permanent record.
• AIR (who administers the AZMerit) is a behavioral research organization. Behavioral research is usually administered to people who have severe cognitive or communication disabilities to determine why they demonstrate inappropriate behaviors. Why is a behavior based research organization testing children who are attending normal schools? This question should be asked by every parent.
• The AZMerit test will cost our state an estimated $19 million with more millions to be spent in subsequent years.
• There is no correlation between high-stakes testing and improvement in student education. There has been only one study to prove otherwise — and it was funded by Bill Gates. (Another conflict of interest?) So why are taxpayers being forced to pay for a test that will not produce better education results?
• Teachers are having to spend valuable class time to teach to the test. This replaces creative methods of teaching and discourages real critical thinking and enriching academic activities. Some schools are spending the entire month of March to prepare for the test.
• The AZMerit is designed to be a high-stakes test –even though it is unproven. The test can be incorporated into a student’s GPA. Teachers and principals could lose their jobs. Students may not be able to progress to the next grade if they fail."
See Also:
AZMerit’s "Uniquely Arizona" Practice Tests Not so Unique After All.
Parent’s Right to Control the Education of their Children: AZ Merit Opt-Out Sample Letter
Common Core’s Final Legacy: Educational Malpractice and Child Abuse