Drastic government-forced mandates are placing children and jobless parents cooped up together and into unnatural states of fear and anxiety. No play dates. No sporting events. No going to the park. No job. No income. No outside professionals reporting signs of abuse, before it’s too late. No end in sight.
As reported by Samantha Schmidt and Hannah Natanson in the Washington Post:
“The cases surfacing often involve children so severely injured they end up in the emergency room and intensive care unit. In some hospitals, they are dying at an unusually high rate.
“Pediatricians across the country are sounding the alarm: The stress of unemployment and financial insecurity has strained relationships between children and those who care for them. The closures of schools and day cares have forced children closer to adults who may not be safe.
“The American system of catching child abuse relies on kids venturing outside their homes.
“Year after year, most referrals to child protective services come from professionals — police officers, lawyers, doctors, anyone who comes into contact with a child as part of their job. But no group reports more than educators, who were responsible for 21 percent of the 4.3 million referrals made in 2018, according to federal data. (https://www.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/cb/cm2018.pdf)
Jamye Coffman, medical director of the Center for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect at Cook Children’s Medical Center, said three children have died of abuse since March 17.
It was mid-March, still the early stages of the pandemic, when doctors at Cook Children’s began noticing the spike. That week, six children had been admitted to the Fort Worth hospital with signs of severe physical abuse.
Two of the children died the same day. The hospital would typically see four to six deaths a year from child abuse.
“I don’t want to see any more coming across my desk,” Coffman said. “It is so unusual, and the children that have died have been horribly battered.”
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