Did you read about the Precinct Committeemen in Yavapai County who voted to censure the so-called "Republicans" who voted for the Medicaid Expansion? Good for them! Those who know when somebody is lying to them and have the guts to stand up for their principles voted for the Censure. They include people like Tom Steele, who rejoined the Republican Party five years ago. He said the censure represents Republican values.
What a concept.
It’s incredible that RINOs like Sen. Steve Pierce (LD1) and Rep. Karen Fann (LD1) were so disappointed that their minions pay more attention to Republican principles than to them and other members of the Ruling Class. After all, Pierce told the peasants, he had the support of the entire Yavapai County Board of Supervisors!
Here is what Prince Pierce had to say to his ungrateful underlings: "I didn’t really hear anyone complaining or writing me; nobody called my office. It’s a shame we have gotten to this instead of letting me hear about it before, but it is what it is."
NOT EXACTLY. On March 19, 2013, LD1 sent Sen. Pierce and Rep. Karen Fann a Resolution Opposing Gov. Brewer’s Medicaid Expansion. It was a unanimous vote of all of the LD1 Precinct Committeemen. LD1 also copied Rep. Andy Tobin, Robert Graham, A. J. LaFaro, Frosty Taylor (who publishes the MCRC Briefs). They also sent it to me. (See below.)
On April 12, 2013, the Area Directors of the Yavapai County Republican Committee approved a Resolution in Opposition to the Governor’s Expansion of Medicaid. (See below.)
LD1 also has a website, where they made it very clear they were out gathering signatures on the Medicaid Expansion referendum.
Is Pierce’s job to represent his constituents? Or live in a bubble?
As for Rep. Fann’s arrogant statement: "I travel this state daily. I cannot you tell the hundreds, thousands, of people who said they are fed up with what’s going on in the Republican Party right now. The divisiveness. They appreciate everybody’s opinions, but they are tired of all this bickering and fighting."
Gilbert Watch Translation: " I don’t like the heat you’re giving me for not standing with you on our Republican principles, so knock it off……..peasants."
These RINOs dig deeper and deeper into RINO-land and will call those who abide by the Republican Platform some of the nastiest, most demeaning names their handlers have told them to call us. We are "TEA party extremists," "divisive," "right-wingers," "fringe."
Like many of you, I talked with people from several counties as I gathered signatures. Those who signed (and many who didn’t because they are too disgusted with people like McCain, Brewer, Pierce, and Fann) aren’t fed up with the “bickering” in the Republican Party. They are glad we are fighting to rid the Republican Party of the RINOs!
Here’s the article Yavapai County GOP battles over Medicaid Expansion
To read the Censure, go to Frosty Taylor’s MCRC Briefs. 9/22/2013. (LD10 also passed a Censure.)
See below for the LD1 and Yavapai County Resolutions:
Subject: LD1 (in Maricopa County) Unanimously Adopts Resolution Opposing Gov. Brewer’s Medicaid Exansion
Date: March 19, 2013 12:57:29 AM MST
Honorable Steve Pierce, Arizona State Senate
Honorable Speaker Andy Tobin, Arizona State House of Representatives
Honorable Karen Fann, Arizona State House of Representatives
Mr. A.J. Lafaro, Maricopa County Republican Chairman
Mr. Robert Graham, Arizona State Republican Chairman
Ms. Frosty Taylor, Maricopa County Communications Director
The precinct committeemen of LD1 (Maricopa County) unanimously voted to oppose Governor Brewer’s proposed Medicaid expansion.
Chief concerns:
We will not be able to balance future budgets in AZ if we do the expansion. Elected officials come and go, but AZ will be left with a broken system that will not remove individuals once the federal government will not pay the bill. Free money is not free. The federal strings attached will cause higher costs, increased bureaucracy, and less quality care. Our Republican Party platform promotes less government, lower taxes, private enterprise solutions, and a path to ‘non-dependency’ (self-reliance and a chance to move up). Our hope is to defund Obama’s social healthcare programs, or at least put up a good fight trying.
How will our neighbors trust us who worked hard for our AZ Republican governor, senators, and representatives that promised to fight Obamacare, but after getting elected, embrace Obama’s program of federal dollars tied to Medicaid expansion? Republican credibility will be lost and our voters will be disenchanted (but Democrats emboldened). With legislation pending to craft amnesty to illegal individuals, thus promoting further illegal entry to our country, the full cost of our future healthcare systems in Arizona is beyond what we can afford. The trigger option after 3 years is unreliable. We want our Governor to please listen to her base and join other Republican governors that have rejected Medicaid expansion. Networking with these governors may produce better ‘long term’ free market solutions while still representing our Republican values.
After discussion, the following amended resolution was passed this evening of March 18th, 2013.
Cathy Schwanke
Chairman, LD1 (Maricopa County)
A Resolution of Legislative District One Republicans of Maricopa County in Opposition to the Arizona Governor’s Proposed Expansion of Medicaid (AHCCCS) in Support of Obamacare
WHEREAS, Arizona voters clearly expressed their will to reject implementation of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and the individual mandate by amending the Arizona Constitution in 2010 via the Arizona Health Insurance Reform Amendment, Proposition 106; and
WHEREAS, the “circuit breaker” clause is insufficient to prevent out of control escalation of enrollment and the long term costs will cause severe financial hardship on Arizona’s budget; and
WHEREAS, the "assessment" on hospitals is actually a tax and a disingenuous attempt to subvert Arizona’s Constitution and legislative process requiring tax increases receive supermajority approval in the legislature; and
WHEREAS, the United States Supreme Court ruled that each State may reject the expansion of Medicaid and Insurance Exchanges, the two cornerstones of Obamacare, without which it collapses; and
WHEREAS, the best method to honor Arizona voters’ wishes to reject Obamacare is for each State to refuse implementation and allow Obamacare to fail; and
WHEREAS, supporting a government takeover of Arizona’s health care system, even to secure large amounts of federal funds, does not reflect the values of the Republican Party or the interests of the taxpayers of Arizona.
WHEREAS, the expansion of Medicaid and other means tested entitlements clearly result in increased dependence on government; and
WHEREAS, increasing dependence on government is destructive to self-motivation, personal pride, the productivity of a society, and the traditional family unit;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Precinct Committeemen of Legislative District One, Maricopa County, State of Arizona, do affirm and declare our opposition to the Governor’s plan to expand Medicaid; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Precinct Committeemen of Legislative District One, Maricopa County, State of Arizona, demand that the Arizona State Legislators uphold the rule of law set forth by Proposition 108 requiring a supermajority vote in this matter; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED by the Precinct Committeemen of Legislative District One, Maricopa County, State of Arizona, demand that the Arizona State Legislators stand with the people of Arizona in opposition to the Governor’s plan to expand Medicaid by defeating any bill to such ends.
Author: Eric Morgan, Chairman, LD22 Republican Committee March 2013
Amended and Adapted for LD1 Republican Committee 3-18-13
Resolution in Opposition to the Governor’s Expansion of Medicaid
April 12, 2013
Whereas, the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) will add 300,000 people to the already stretched system; and
Whereas, the voters of Arizona clearly expressed their will to reject implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) via Proposition 106 in 2010; and
Whereas, the Federal program requires matching funds, which Arizona does not have without a tax increase. Further, after 3 years the Federal match is reduced. And further, predictions are that the cost of health care insurance will rise from 20 to 100%; and
Whereas, the taxpaying citizens of Arizona will be forced to assume the financial burden of maintaining this massive expansion when the Federal funds fail; and
Whereas, the U.S. Supreme Court explicitly ruled that each State is free to reject implementation of the ACA Medicaid Expansion and Insurance Exchanges, the two cornerstones of the Affordable Care Act, without which ACA collapses as a practical and functioning program; and
Whereas, it is fair to treat all equally, it is not fair however to give the director of AHCCCS the authority to exempt some hospitals from the "assessment" (another tax increase); and
Whereas, supporting the big government takeover of our health care system, even for a short-term gift of federal funds, does NOT reflect the values of the Republican Party or the interests of the taxpayers of Arizona; and
Whereas, the Area Directors of the Yavapai County Republican Committee by the nature of their office enjoy a close proximity with and thereby a better understanding of the concerns of the voter base, and
Whereas, we believe Arizona should totally design and be responsible for healthcare for Arizona citizens; now therefore be it
Resolved, that we, the Area Directors of the Yavapai County Republican Committee do affirm and declare our opposition to the Governor’s plan to expand Medicaid in support of ACA, and, be it further
Resolved, that we, the Area Directors of the Yavapai County Republican Committee strongly advise that the Legislators of the State of Arizona House and Senate stand with the people of Arizona in opposition to the Governor’s plan to expand Medicaid in support of ACA by defeating any bill to such ends.