Jennifer Reynolds and Wes Harris, Experts on Common Core, to speak at Clearview Cultural Center, Saturday, May 11

Jennifer Reynolds, creator of Arizonans Against Common Core, speaks all across Arizona, educating communities and parents about the serious problems with Common Core.   Ms. Reynolds also leads the Alliance for Sustainable Freedom.   Her presentation is titled “Common Core Standards- Rotten to the Core!”  Ms. Reynolds will be joined by Wes Harris.  Mr. Harris is the founder of the original North Phoenix Tea Party, a former CFO of a Fortune 50 Corporation, and a member of the Goldwater Institute.  He has initiated a Petition of Redress of Grievances, Common Core. 

Please join Ms. Reynolds and Mr. Harris on Saturday, May 11, at 7:00 pm.  The meeting will be held at the Clearview Cultural Center, 1355 S. Clearview, Mesa, AZ. 85209.  It is being organized by Leah Martineau.  Please email her at for more details.