Today, May 13, Rep. Petersen received a letter from the Center for Arizona Policy informing him that he received another perfect score in standing up for families, the sanctity of life, and marriage during the last session.
States Rep. Petersen:
"As you know the family is the fabric of society and, as government leaders, it is incumbent upon us to do all we can to protect the family, life, and the institution of marriage. Unfortunately these values are under attack. This next election cycle is an important one.
"In spite of some disappointments and setbacks, Arizona has made great strides over the last 6 years. For example we are now the 4th most pro-life state in the union. This has primarily been due to the fact that we have had a Republican governor, and a Republican legislature whom we have been able to hold to a pro-life, family and marriage platform. Our State could easily fall into Democratic hands if we don’t all do our part in the next few months. Not all of us can be elected officials. But all of us can find a good candidate to support. All of us can find one person that wasn’t going to vote and get them to the polls. All of us can put a yard sign in front of our houses. The primary election is in just over 90 days. Please do what you can to make sure that we elect people who best represent your values into office."
See what else Rep. Warren Petersen has accomplished:
Top scoring legislator in Arizona – Arizona Conservative Coalition
Free Market Champion – Arizona Free Enterprise Club
Hero of the Taxpayer – Americans for Prosperity
Ranked number one for Tax, Budget and regulatory issues and as a "top five scoring legislator" overall – The Goldwater Institute
Named one of the Top Regulatory Reformers – Arizona Rock Products Association
Legislator of the week – American’s for Prosperity
Recognized for "leadership to stand up for life, families, and religious freedom during the 2013 legislative session" – Center for Arizona Policy
Named "Friend of the Family" – The Arizona Family Project.
Cosponsored legislation to end pensions for politicians
See Also:
The Magnificent Arizona Republicans
Bill Whittle Joins AZ Rep Warren Petersen at Anti-Medicaid Expansion Rally