Saturday, January 11, 2014, the Precinct Committeemen representing Arizona’s Maricopa County Republican Committee met. They voted on several Resolutions, one of which was the Censure of Sen. John McCain. It was drafted by LD30 Chairman Timothy Schwartz, and it passed by an overwhelming 1,150 to 351 votes. Maricopa County is the largest county in Arizona and has 63% of Arizona’s voters. McCain was also censured by the Mohave County Republican Committee on Jan 4, the Apache County Republican Committee on Jan 9, and the LD26 precinct committeemen rebuked him on Sept 9, 2013. See the January 11, 2014 edition of MCRC Briefs.
There is a very good chance that other Arizona counties and Legislative Districts will be issuing similar censure resolutions.
John McCain seems to be listening to his own progressive press. Reality is much different. He isn’t the only professional politician who’s in trouble in his own state. The conservatives in Ohio aren’t very pleased with Speaker of the House John Boehner, and probably for the same reasons that we in Arizona want to rid ourselves of John McCain. Boehner has been in office since 1991. There is a young, smart, hard-working man who is challenging Boehner in the primary: J. D. Winteregg.
RESOLUTION #8: Senator John McCain Censured by Arizona’s Republican Leadership — As leaders in the Republican Party, we are obligated to fully support our Party, platform, and its candidates. Only in times of great crisis or betrayal is it necessary to publicly censure our leaders. Today we are faced with both. For too long we have waited, hoping Senator McCain would return to our Party’s values on his own. That has not happened. So with sadness and humility we rise and declare:
– Whereas Senator McCain has amassed a long and terrible record of drafting, co-sponsoring and voting for legislation best associated with liberal Democrats, such as Amnesty, funding for ObamaCare, the debt ceiling, liberal nominees, assaults on the Constitution and 2nd amendment; and
– Whereas this record has been disastrous and harmful to Arizona and the United States; and
– Whereas Senator McCain has campaigned as a conservative and made promises during his re-election campaigns, such as the needed and welcomed promise to secure our borders and finish the border fence, only to quickly flip-flop on those promises; and
– Whereas McCain has abandoned our values and has been eerily silent against Liberals, yet publicly reprimands Conservatives in his own Party, therefore
– BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Maricopa County Republican Committee censures Senator McCain for his continued disservice to our State and Nation, and
– BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that until he consistently champions our Party’s Platform, we, the Republican leadership in Arizona will no longer support, campaign for or endorse John McCain as our U.S. Senator.
See Also:
Senators John McCain and Jeff Flake Break their Promise to Arizona Voters
John McCain Owned by Syrian Woman at Town Hall Meeting
Ohio Accountability Project is Holding John Boehner’s Feet to the Fire
Buckeye Mutiny Seeks to Return John Boehner to Private Life