Ohio Accountability Project is holding John Boehner’s Feet to the Fire

John Boehner is up for re-election in Ohio’s 8th District, and lots of conservative Republicans are not happy with his performance, or with his lack of accessibility.  Remind you of anyone?  See King McCain and King Flake to hold Immigration Meeting:  Tickets not Available to the Kings’ Subjects

The difference is that McCain and Flake aren’t up for re-election in 2014.  They won’t start making promises they don’t intend to keep for a couple more years.

The Ohio Accountability Project, led by J. D. Winteregg, has sent Speaker of the House John Boehner a letter, which recently appeared in an online Cincinnati editorial titled "Don’t Forget us, Mr. Speaker." 

Speaking of John Boehner, did you see this posted by the Right Scoop?  Mark Levin:  It’s Time to Call it BoehnerCare, because he Won’t Support Vote to Defund Obamacare.  

Do you have friends and/or relatives in Ohio?  Show them all of this.  


Click on "Read More" below to see the letter in its entirety.  

12 August 2013

Speaker Boehner,

My name is J.D. Winteregg, and I am one of your constituents. I, along with those who have signed this letter, am writing to ask you to perform one of your duties as our representative. I am requesting that you hold one or more town hall meetings in the 8th district, during the summer House recess, to allow your constituents an opportunity to express our concerns with your job performance in Washington, D.C.

Speaker Boehner, the undersigned–along with many residents in the district–feel as though you have lost sight of your role as our representative. Instead of working to represent the voices of residents from Southwest Ohio in Washington, D.C., you have separated yourself from us. The gap between us is widening, and we wish to communicate our concerns to you directly—not through one of your staff members.

Mr. Speaker, our concerns are many. For instance, why have you allowed yourself to be directed by the narrative of the Democrats? Why do you address concerns as Senator Reid and President Obama present them, but refuse to take the lead on the issue most important to us–the economy? You may state that jobs are a priority to you, but where are your–or any Republican’s–proposals that address the restrictive nature of Obama’s economic policies? Mr. Speaker, why do you state that ObamaCare needs to be repealed, yet pass continuing resolutions that fund it? Why do you continue to allow for abortions to be financed by taxpayer money through Planned Parenthood? Additionally, why do we never hear of you attending to business in your local offices? How can you effectively represent the needs of our district without spending time among your constituents?

A recent article in the Chicago Tribune stated that you have an incredibly difficult job that requires you to lead from behind. It was ridiculous when President Obama positioned himself behind this excuse, and it’s ridiculous for you to do so as well. Here in District 8, we call “leading from behind” following, and your actions show that you are doing just that–following the Democrats in a move away from our Constitutional values.

Speaker Boehner, with all of the scandals that define the Obama administration, we are owed a direct explanation as to why you stated in a recent interview on ABC that you “absolutely trust” our president. Was it politics? If so, why let yourself be entangled in an inherently corrupt system? Do you truly trust him? If so, what has he done to earn your trust? What’s going on with Fast & Furious? Who will take responsibility for the failure to protect our own in Benghazi? What is the scope of data being collected on U.S. Citizens by the NSA? Who initiated action against conservative groups in the IRS scandal? We’ve yet to hear of anyone being sent to jail as you said needed to happen. As for jobs, what are you doing to get the government out of the way so our free market can work? In each of these situations, it appears you are talking but not taking action. Mr. Speaker, this is how our president conducts business, and we expect more out of our representative. We want to see officials in these agencies penalized for wrongdoings and for violations of the public trust.

Speaker Boehner, we are your employers. You work for us. We deserve to have our concerns addressed and questions answered in a town hall setting during the recess. We are owed explanations for how you’ve chosen to represent us in Washington, D.C., and we’re owed explanations as to why you’ve chosen to distance yourself from us–your employers.

We look forward to hearing from you. More importantly, we look forward to an opportunity for you to hear directly from us.


J.D. Winteregg

Troy, OH

Ohio Accountability Project

Denise Robertson

Preble County Commissioner

Ann Becker

President, West Chester Tea Party

Beth Cox

President, Preble County Liberty Group

Richard Inman

Director, Our Turning Point

Ed Bell

Director, Our Turning Point

Nita Thomas

Board Member, Our Turning Point

Jim Lewis

West Chester Tea Party Board Member

Allen McCray

Preble County Liberty Group

Ralph Kraus

President & Co-Founder

Firelands Patriots of Erie County OH

Dwaine Eshelman

Monroe, OH

Kim Eshelman

Monroe, OH

Brian Perhai

Troy, OH

Jerrod Rickard

Troy, OH

Ben Bahun

Small Business Owner

New Carlisle, OH

Daniel Taylor


Oxford, OH

Charis Peterson

Member, West Chester Tea Party

Retired Teacher

Matthew Trisler

Registered Republican

Tipp City, OH

Diana Trisler

Registered Republican

Tipp City, OH

Pamela Jones

Retired Teacher

West Chester Resident

W. Thomas Stahl, R. Ph.

Retired Former Retail Pharmacy Business Owner

Vermillion, OH

Faye L. Stahl, R. Ph.

Retired Hospital Pharmacist

Vermillion, OH

Ceil Hermes

Sandusky Resident

R. Ramhoff

Small Business Owner

Sandusky, OH

D.A. Andrews


Sandusky, OH

Kevin M. Miller


Springfield, OH

Dan Bennett

Firelands Patriots of Erie County OH

Kris Bennett

Firelands Patriots of Erie County OH

Dave Fuller

Retired IT Director

Troy, OH

Karl A. Busam

Master Mariner (Ret.)

Erie County Resident

TSgt Gregory D. Hardman

Ron Fults

Small Business Owner

Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Smith

Oxford, OH

Alisha Hutson

Concerned Ohio Citizen

John Lalley

Concerned Ohio Citizen

Paula Baker

Concerned Ohio Citizen

Debbie Jones

Concerned Ohio Citizen

Doug Cook

Software Consultant

Citizen of OH-8

Tim Holloway

Butler County Resident

Daisy Persson


Trenton Resident

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Scott

Huron, OH

Emmette Boone


College Corner, OH

Julie Busby

Founder of Malachi

Eaton, OH

Jerry W. Chabrian

West Alexandria, OH

Linda Riggle

Mother, Parent, Advocate for People With Disabilities

Ohio Resident