AzMerit Community Meeting, April 6: 5:45-6:45pm, Mesa Main Library

AZMerit testing is coming soon to your local schools. Do you have questions or concerns?

You are invited to attend a Community Meeting about standardized testing in Arizona. Presented by Arizonans who are committed to standing up for parents’ and students’ rights, the meeting will include information, solutions, and Q & A.

Join us:

Monday, April 6
5:45-6:45 PM
Mesa Main Library, Saguaro Room
64 East 1st Street, Mesa
Call: (480) 243-4190

(Use of City of Mesa meeting facilities does not constitute endorsement of the beliefs, viewpoints, policies or affiliations of the user by the City of Mesa.)

See Also:

Why Parents are Opting Their Children out of the AZMerit Exam

AZMerit’s "Uniquely Arizona" Practice Tests Not so Unique After All.

Parent’s Right to Control the Education of their Children: AZ Merit Opt-Out Sample Letter

Common Core’s Final Legacy: Educational Malpractice and Child Abuse

East Valley Academy – K-6 Mesa