Common Core Forums: Sat., August 2, 2014

Arizonans Against Common Core is hosting the leading experts in two Common Core Forums on Saturday, August 2.  

Please DONATE HERE to help pay travel costs for Drs. Stotsky and Milgram, and Mr. Wurman. Or, you can send your donation via check.  Please contact Jennifer Reynolds at for details.

The first forum will take place at the Brand New Church from 9-11 am (1827 W. Grovers Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85203).  This event will include 3 speakers:  Dr. Sandra Stotsky;  Diane Douglas, candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction; and Frank Riggs, candidate for Governor of Arizona.

Click HERE for the flyer regarding the first forum.

The second forum will be at the Burke Basic School from 6-9 pm (131 E Southern Ave, Mesa, AZ 85210).  Speakers will include Dr. Sandra Stosky, Dr. James Milgram, Mr. Ze’ev Wurman, Diane Douglas, and Frank Riggs.  

Click HERE for the flyer regarding the second forum.

Dr. Sandra Stosky was one of five members of the Common Core Validation Committee who refused to sign off on the Common Core standards.  She is credited with developing one of the country’s strongest sets of academic standards for K-12 students as well as the strongest academic standards and licensure tests for prospective teachers while serving as Senior Associate Commissioner in the Massachusetts Department of Education from 1999-2003.  

Dr. James Milgram, the only mathematician on the Common Core Validation Committee, refused to sign off on the Common Core Standards.  Dr. Milgram has written countless articles on the Common Core Standards detailing how these standards will dumb down our students in Math by more than 2 years and will not prepare our students for a career in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math (STEM). 

Mr. Ze’ev Wurman is a visiting scholar with the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.  He is the coauthor with Dr. Stotsky of the whitepaper "Common Core’s Standards Still Don’t Make the Grade" (Pioneer Institute 2010) along with many other publications about the Common Core Standards and how they won’t prepare our students for college nor a career.

Frank Riggs, candidate for Governor of Arizona is a national leader of school choice and education reform over the past two decades.  He has vowed to rescind Arizona’s participation in the national education standards and testing regime known as Common Core and the PARCC Assessment.

Diane Douglas, candidate for Arizona’s Superintendent of Public Instruction, has studied the history of the American education system and the federal government’s ever increasing intrusion into our local control since the early 1990’s.   

See Also:

An English Language Arts Curriculum Framework for American Public Schools by Dr. Sandra Stotsky

Dr. James Milgram – Common Core Forum Baton Rouge, LA

Dr. Sandra Stotsky – Common Core Forum, Part 1 Baton Rouge, LA

Dr. Sandra Stotsky – Common Core Forum, Part 2, Baton Rouge, LA

Common Core’s Validation: A Weak Foundation for a Crooked House

Why Conservatives Support Frank Riggs for Governor of Arizona

Diane Douglas, Candidate for Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction

Frank Riggs for Arizona Governor