Daryl Colvin – My Turn – Arizona Republic 10/3/2012

My Turn, by Daryl Colvin, candidate for Gilbert School Board.  Published 10/3/2012.  Arizona Republic.

If elected to the Gilbert School Board, I will ensure that there is a climate of fiscal and administrative transparency. I will ensure that tax dollars are spent wisely and responsibly. The Arizona Auditor General audit of Gilbert Public Schools (GPS)  reveals a consistent decline in the percentage of the budget from 63.3% in 2006 to 59.9% last year of dollars actually reaching the classroom (predominantly teacher layoffs). This downward trend must stop. It cannot continue in this direction without negatively impacting the excellent academics our community has come to know and expect from GPS.
The current governing board has passively allowed frivolous expenditures without oversight. Decisions are often rubber stamped with little to no questions asked.  Those decisions have prevented resources from reaching our classrooms.  Without governance or oversight, the administration has been able to steamroll teachers, parents, staff and community members with iron fist decisions instead of creating a collaborative consensus building environment.
The administration depends upon its majority rubber stamping board that mocks community input. One example is the recent decision to close Gilbert Junior High. The superintendents informed parents and made arrangements for the transfer of over 1,000 district students before including the governing board and community in a public board meeting. The superintendent did this because for years this board has rubber stamped his decisions. We must have true governance of our schools.