Doug Little versus Robert Graham

Two men want to be the Chairman of the Arizona Republican Party.  Doug Little and Robert Graham. 

Robert Graham.

S.H.I.E.L.D. has posted a very well documented, research-based analysis of Candidate Graham in a recent post titled Arizona Republican Chairman Candidate Robert Graham Reads Like "The 4-Hour Work Week" Book.

Mr. Graham has been racking up big name endorsements.  Some folks have held back their support because Mr. Graham’s actions and words don’t match.  S.H.I.E.L.D. has exposed many of those actions and words.  For example, Mr. Graham carries with him some disturbing baggage, the most serious of which is the accusation of money laundering.  Also, why would a person who says he’s conservative make financial contributions to moderates like Ben Quayle instead of David Schweikert?   Why would a guy who despises unions so much that he writes a book about how they are destroying America, yet this same guy offers financial support to Arizona Speaker of the House Andy Tobin?   A description of Graham’s book Job Killers: The American Dream in Reverse, states that the book "offers realistic solutions that include eradicating a now defunct union base."  Do you "eradicate the union base" by contributing money to Andy Tobin, who withheld important legislation which would have required public employee union members to reauthorize their dues payroll deductions annually?  It had passed in the Senate. 

One wonders what his motive was in writing the book.  There is another disturbing theme that runs through Mr. Graham’s many "prestigious awards" that S.H.I.E.L.D. has exposed.  It seems that some of those awards are miraculously granted simply by making a "financial donation."  There are many similarities between Mr. Graham’s strategies for puffing himself up and those that are outlined in the book The 4-Hour Work Week:  Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich, that S.H.I.E.L.D. references. 

After reading S.H.I.E.L.D.’s devastating, research-based analysis, I found myself saying, "Let’s hope Graham’s mother doesn’t nominate him for the Nobel Peace Prize." 

Gilbert Watch supports Doug Little for Chairman of the Arizona Republican Party

He has stood up to the vetting process without blinking.

One look at his website will inform you that Doug Little has led a long and highly successful career as a top executive who has achieved record revenues and profitability in the multi-millions of dollars. His experience includes selling to Fortune 100 businesses. He managed people who didn’t work for him directly, weren’t accountable to him, and had competing goals and egos a mile wide. His job: To get them all to find common objectives and work together toward them. Sound familiar? He received multiple awards for his achievements. Real ones, not pay-to-play cracker-jack prizes like Graham’s "Reagan Congressional Commission" awarded for making a $500 donation to the NRCC.

Now retired, he has built up his own small business, Armed Personal Defense, which is a highly respected firearms training organization in the valley.  An expert pistol and rifle marksman, he teaches students, as well as certifies new instructors for the National Rifle Association.  

He has been equally successful as the Chairman of LD23. He worked with his Executive Board and volunteers to establish one of Arizona’s five nationally recognized Victory Offices. Under his leadership, LD23 swept the ticket with the highest Republican voter turnout rate in the state.

With his many contacts and executive background, Doug knows how to raise money and has raised tens of thousands of dollars for many local charities. He achieved his barnburning sales record by building and leveraging personal relationships with heavy hitters in the business world. And he built a whole system for tracking and targeting prospects. Imagine what that would do for us in the party!

It looks like we have a choice this time between a poser and the real deal. Look carefully before you leap.