Please attend Tuesday night’s Gilbert Public Schools Board Meeting and support our conservative board members. The meeting starts at 7 pm, and is held at 140 S. Gilbert Rd, Building B, in the Governing Board Room.
Here is the link to the Agenda: Of special note is item 6:01 Consideration of a Contract for Brian Yee as Principal at Greenfield Junior High for the 2013-2014 School year. Mr. Yee has been the subject of controversy. For background, please see a blog article written by Westie Connect titled "How the Brian Yee Situation Parallels National Scandals." Westie Connect references an Arizona Republic article on this subject.
Also, please note the detail under Item 8:01 Items for Future Consideration. The way to view details is to click on the Link to the Agenda. Then, on the left, click on April 9, 2013, Board Meeting – Amended Agenda. Then, in the middle of the page, click on View Agenda. Then, on the left you will see the Agenda. Scroll down to item 8.01 Items for Future Consideration. Click on it. The detail will appear in the middle of the main page.