by Gilbert Fidler
"The Gilbert School District continues to ask for overrides while continuing to squander public tax dollars. Here are some examples:
- Lack of oversight in vendor "no-bid" contracts.
- Unreported donations to schools.
- Monies "floating around" in schools with no oversight.
- Bloated bureaucracy.
- Lavish administrative salares and perks.
- Keeping schools open all summer long just to give away free breakfast and lunch.
- Free All Day Kindergarten.
The District still does not make a compelling case for a budget override, and until they do, we should vote NO to overrides.
"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." It’s time for GUSD to focus on cleaning up their act instead of going to the endless taxpayer money tree.
Vote NO to the override!"
Gilbert Watch Note: Please visit Support Strong Schools: Get the Facts and Just Say No to District Overrides.