Gilbert’s 26 – Outstanding Role Models

Some people define heroes as people who, when the chips are down, demonstrate incredible courage.

There’s another definition. They are people you can consistently count on to provide excellent service to others day in and day out. They are honest. They are committed to a standard of excellence and are resourceful. They are mothers and fathers who, through their example, show their children that you earn self-esteem by setting high standards and working hard to achieve them. These people welcome new challenges, seeing them as opportunities to learn and grow. They don’t shrink from being held accountable.

Sometimes, these are the kinds of people who, when the chips are down, demonstrate incredible courage. Because that’s the way they live their lives.

The Town is always under a spotlight, so it’s only natural that we would be aware of the employees who work there, and not perhaps the employees of private organizations.

But outstanding employees are universal, no matter where they work. The success of an organization depends on them.

In a recent Council meeting, Town Manager Patrick Banger acknowledged 26 outstanding Gilbert employees. He’s very proud of all of them.

There were two in particular that he spoke of: Shana Effio, Police Telecommunicator, who spent 2 hours on the phone with a suicidal resident, defusing a potentially tragic outcome; and Martin Blair, Fire Equipment Technician, who created a manikin for Fire Department training that is superior to what can be found on the open market, and costs much less.

The names and a description of their unique contributions can be found here.

I would also like to list their names and titles:

Tracy Bender, Recreation Coordinator
Martin Blair, Fire Equipment Technician
Ted Bullock, Assistant Town Prosecutor
Amy Dobson, Police Telecommunicator
Shana Effio, Police Telecommunicator
Sean Fulton, Police Telecommunicator
Scott Girardin, Police Lieutenant
Jeff Herb, Town Traffic Engineer
Jim Jobusch, Assistant Fire Chief
Robert Jordan, Police Officer
Peggy Kearney, Police Communications Supervisor
Wes Kemp, Fire Battalion Chief
Mark Kramer, Assistant Technical Services Manager
Ronda Kregle, Admnistrative Assistant
Michael Krzak, Police Detention Transport Officer
Laura Lorenzen, Budget/Financial Plan Analyst
Jean Machnicki, Fire Community Education Coodinator
Matt Martindale, Police Officer
Heather McKinnon, Fire Captain
Kendal Richardson, Technology Services Systems Analyst
Susan Roberts, Deputy Town Clerk
Craig Robinson, Police Telecommunicator
Pat Slusser, Water Production Supervisor
Brenda Tomory, Police Officer
Jennifer Urrea, Employee Relations Administrator
Adam Walterson, Court Administrator