Help Victor and Jordan Get Elected to the Town Council 5/17/2011!

Thanks for your hard work in getting Eddie Cook elected outright! With 65 votes more than required, Eddie does not have to run in the General Election. He is now Eddie Cook, Council Member-Elect.

That’s why “every vote” will count in our joint efforts to help Victor Petersen and Jordan Ray win the May 17 General Election.

Early voting begins April 21, 2011. We must start NOW to help these candidates. Did you know that 47,000 early ballots were mailed for the Primary election? MOST of those ballots were thrown in the trash. (I cringe at the wasted tax dollars spent getting those mailed.)

Even more shocking is that many of the people who didn’t vote are friends of ours who are known to be conservatives! Don’t “assume” that your friends are as tuned in to the election as you are.

Let them know that we desperately need conservative voices stressing fiscal responsibility and better efficiencies on our Council. Then, remind them to VOTE.

Victor and Jordan need the following:

Emails to Your Family, Friends and Acquaintances
Posts on Facebook
Text Messages Reminding Everyone to Vote for Victor and Jordan (no one else!)
Help with Door Knocking
Hosts for Cottage Meetings
Phone Bank Calls
Yard Signs in your yard
Help Replacing Fallen Corner Signs

Contact Victor Petersen’s campaign:
Mickie Niland, Campaign Manager:
Mickie’s Phone: 480-726-0543
Victor’s Phone: 602-332-7432

Contact Jordan Ray’s campaign:
Jordan Ray:
Jordan’s Phone: 480-620-5326