Is Barack Obama the “Abortion President”? Look at his Record

Recently, at the May 1, 2014, National Day of Prayer breakfast, Dr. James Dobson spoke, calling President Barack Obama "the abortion president."

Just days before, U. S. District Judge Robert Blackburn had issued an injunction preventing the federal government from imposing the abortifacient mandate or its penalties against Dobson and his radio ministry, Family Talk.

Stated Dr. Dobson, "He has made it so that every American will have to pay toward the support of abortion," noting the $250 million in taxpayer funds that already goes toward Planned Parenthood’s funding.

“The mandate requiring that we provide abortifacients such as the morning after pill would have begun on May 1st. After that, if we hadn’t prevailed, fines amounting to $800,000 per year would have kicked in,” he said.

“We would have closed our doors.”

See Dobson Tears into Obama:  "Come and Get Me" 

For a look at Obama’s record on abortion, see President Barack Obama’s Pro-Abortion Record:  A Pro-Life Compilation

See Also:

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NICE:  Schools Should Provide Morning-After Pill

Abortion (through the NHS)

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"The Greatest Destroyer of Peace is Abortion."  Mother Teresa

Transcript of Speech by Mother Teresa of Calcutta to the National Prayer Breakfast, Washington, DC, February 3, 1994

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