Gilbert Watch supports Jared Taylor for Town Council for many reasons.
Jared is one of Gilbert’s most talented and capable citizens. He is a Constitutional scholar, educator, and businessman. Jared spent 6 years with Motorola and 4 with Honeywell in human resources and global staffing operations capacities. Trained in Six Sigma and LEAN methodologies, he used these tools to improve quality and saved millions of dollars at these firms. His organizational efficiency techniques will be critical to Gilbert’s long term strategic goals.
Jared has many excellent ideas relating to economic development in areas relating to health care, aerospace, and technology.
As Gilbert looks to the future, we need Council members like Jared, who has experience in marketing Gilbert to businesses which might wish to relocate here. When Arizona celebrated its 100th anniversary, Jared wrote Celebrating Arizona and Celebrating Our Liberty.
He has served on the Constitution Week USA Board of Directors, and has helped it grow each year. It is currently the largest celebration of the Constitution anywhere in the United States. Jared has lectured on the original intent of the US Constitution in Tennessee and Indiana for the National Center for Constitutional Studies.
He is currently the business manager of Heritage Academy in Mesa, Arizona.
Jared is the "go to guy" for many people, including Gilbert leaders seeking good advice and sound judgment.
Not only has he followed Gilbert politics very closely for several years, but he has also helped to solve complex problems. Jared served on the Steering Committee of the CBC (Citizens Budget Committee) in 2009/2010 as an "at large" member. After pouring over the budget for three months, and working with citizen sub-committee members and Town Staff reviewing hundreds of cost-saving ideas, he, along with Jeff Niland and William Scalzo, wrote a letter to the Gilbert citizens and Town Council.
No Permanent Tax Increase Needed for Gilbert. This letter convinced many citizens of the truth.
Seeing the financial struggles of Gilbert families, he wrote It’s Only a Cup of Coffee showing how tax proponents sell tax increases by making them seem insignificant.
Determined to help Gilbert choose new Town leadership, he became the Campaign manager for Eddie Cook. Council member Cook took office in June 2011. Jared also wrote Voters Guide to 2011 Town Council Election. His assessment of the Council members has turned out to be accurate.
Jared and others were right. We didn’t need Prop 406, the sales tax increase. It failed at the ballot box. Gilbert’s finances haven’t suffered. In fact, we have done much better than our surrounding communities, and our resources continue to grow. We also went from being the 11th safest city to the 5th Safest city in the USA one year later.
Please join me in voting for Jared Taylor for Gilbert Town Council.