Jeff Smith for U.S. Representative, Congressional District 6

In case you haven’t noticed, “Jeff Smith for Congress” signs have been springing up all over the 6th Congressional District.
This newcomer “the other Jeff” is taking on Jeff Flake, and he’s making headway, with many grassroots Conservatives backing him. Jeff Smith entered the race because he could see that Jeff Flake has become the type of career politician that started out Conservative, but who now embraces dangerous legislation that will put us on the path to self-destruction.
Jeff Flake, endorsed by John McCain, both call themselves fiscally conservative, but both have taken positions that are anything but, and are costing us or will cost us trillions of dollars – dwarfing the value of the earmarks they vote against.
Jeff Flake sponsored H.R. 2380, the Raise Wages, Cut Carbon Act of 2009, which is supposed to be “the lesser of two evils” between it and full-blown Cap and Trade. The problem with Jeff Flake’s lesser evil legislation is that it accepts that there is a "need" for carbon reduction legislation. The so-called “scientific” case that rising atmospheric C02 concentrations are harming the biosphere and must therefore be regulated is facing hard scientific realities that do not support, or that fully contradict, the tenets of this alarmist faith. See
If Jeff Flake can’t see behind something as obvious as the global warming hysteria, then what else might he fall for?
He has called Arizona’s SB1070 “imprudent” and is calling for “Comprehensive Immigration Reform.” Illegal immigration costs Arizonans between $2 billion and $3 billion per year in criminal activity, education, health care costs, and other burdens. McCain’s Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill was estimated to cost the taxpayers more than $2.6 trillion, had it passed. (Heritage Foundation, Washington, DC.).
It’s pretty bad when Americans are better informed than the elected officials they send to Washington to represent them!
Jeff Smith is very concerned that Rep. Flake long ago drifted off course, finding life in Washington more comfortable and agreeable than life in Arizona, where he should be standing up for Arizonans, and for Constitutional and conservative principles.
Not only does Jeff have excellent educational and professional credentials and experience, but he also embraces and respects the Constitution. Jeff earned an undergraduate degree in Economics, and an MBA. He has had successful business careers in the fields of banking and telecommunications. As an entrepreneur, he co-founded a Financial Advisory firm which he sold over two years ago, and he is now a successful independent options trader.
He believes that for liberty and prosperity to reign, the Federal Government must provide an environment where the Rule of Law and Private Property Rights are protected.
For details relating to Jeff Smith’s Guiding Principles and his stand on the Issues, please visit his website
Jeff Smith will be speaking this Wednesday, July 7, 5:30 pm at Warrens Bistro, 1451 E Williams Field Road, Gilbert. This event is being sponsored by the Gilbert Small Business Alliance (GSBA) as part of “The Statesmen’s Tour.” The Statesmen’s Tour features many candidates for elected offices. Please research them and take advantage of the opportunity to hear what they have to say. Here is the website.