Help Elect Merrianne Geisdorf – Candidate for Mesa Unified School District

Are tax dollars reaching the students in the classrooms? Merrianne Geisdorf is very concerned that they are NOT. Prop 301 was a tax increase voted by Arizonans in 2000, which was promised to go to the students, teachers and classrooms first! Then Governor Hull stated, “not 1 cent will go to Administration!” Is that what happened? No.
A February 2010 report by state Auditor General Debbie Davenport found that, despite the $300 million raised annually by the Prop. 301 tax increases, the percentage of education dollars spent directly in classrooms has declined for five straight years and now is at a record low. She found many school districts are diverting classroom funds to transportation, special services, and bureaucracy, which the report says is a "violation of state law."
On 5/18/2010, Arizonans approved yet another tax increase: Prop 100.
How will that be spent? Who holds the “purse strings”? Are the students and teachers “at the end of the line”?
Merrianne Geisdorf, an accountant who has run her own business since 1981, and has lived in Arizona since 2001, says that as taxes are raised, Arizona students aren’t any better off.
She wants to:
* Identify and eliminate excessive administration expenses.
* Put First Dollars toward Educating Students!
* Unhitch from Federal programs and their control over how dollars are spent at the local level.
* Attract and retain Quality Teachers – eliminate ineffective teachers.
* Establish a basic curriculum so students read by the 3rd grade
* Instill pride and patriotism in our children by teaching true, not revisionist, U.S. History
Please visit Merrianne’s website.
Please help her gather signatures to put her on the ballot.
Please help her get elected! We need more people like Merrianne to step up and change the priorities of the School Districts, so that our children’s education comes first!