Leftist Human Relations Commission “Media Hounds” Call For Arpaio to Step Down

Guest post by Silence Dogood.

Like Eric Holder’s Department of Justice, and the Civil Rights Division under Thomas Perez, the Human Relations Commission is filled to the brim with radical leftists. So, what would you expect them to demand of Sheriff Arpaio? His resignation of course. Unanimously! Phoenix Leaders try to Halt Arpaio Vote: Human Relations Commission May Call for County Sheriff to Step Down

Not so fast. Peel back the “nice sounding name,” and look at the players. Then decide if you want to stand with them against a Sheriff who has been doing his job.

Here are some of those pillars of the community:

Diane D’Angelo, Chair. Leftist, writer.
Arizona Democrats Struggle to Come out of the Closet–as Democrats

Here are some of her “tweets.”

Daniel Martinez, Vice Chair. Co-founder along with Randy Parraz of the East Valley Patriots for American Values. He pushed for Mesa Compact, and was involved in the Pearce recall.

Lilia Alvarez. Parraz side-kick and part of Citizens for a Better Arizona that Parraz founded in order to recall Senator Russell Pearce.

Janice Blackmon. LD13 Democrat District Chairman

Terry Gunnell. State leader for AmeriCorp

Mel Hannah. Director of Community Outreach for the Urban League

Isaac Hernandez. Co-chair Hispanic Law Students Assoc/La Raza

Nikki Hicks. Community volunteer coordinator…i.e: Cesar Chavez day of service.

LaShawn Jenkins. Lawyer, Phoenix Urban League.

Laurie Provost. Anti-defamation League. Gay/Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN) Trainer. K-12 Schools.