Russell Pearce Needs Our Help!

My Dear Friends and Fellow Patriots,

My continued thanks for your support. Running for office is a daunting task, particularly when you are running against a well-funded opponent and his allies in the media. Can I count on your help?

I have some very specific things I need your assistance with in the next three weeks…


Would you please sign my petition, collect some additional signatures for me, and put a small sign in your yard? Better still, would you be willing to host a small meet ‘n’ greet for me in your home and introduce me to your neighbors? CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP!


Would you please help me to collect signatures from voters here in the district? CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP!


Would you please consider visiting my website and making a contribution? Donate Now!

That’s it for now. As the campaign progresses we will have a variety of activities going on, but at this early stage, collecting signatures and contributions, meeting voters, and placing yard signs is where our focus is.

Thank you, in advance, for whatever you are able to do.

2012 is a critical election year, from the race for President at the top of the ticket down to our legislative contests. Our nation is getting ready to make a clear and fundamental choice between big government and limited government. I’m proud of the progress we have made here in Arizona and need your help to spread the word about my record.

• Arizona’s economic recovery is now one of the strongest in the nation
• We passed a real balanced budget after having the worst per capita deficit in the nation
• We are #1 in 2nd Amendment rights
• We are #1 in the protection of the lives of the unborn
• We are #1 in school choice
• We have eliminated government sponsored discrimination (affirmative action)
• We have passed a Marriage Amendment to protect the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman
• We have passed model legislation to enforce our immigration laws (34 states are now writing legislation modeled after our SB1070)
• We have fought back against unconstitutional encroachment by the federal government

Yet so deep are our problems that even in spite of our tremendous progress, there is still much to be done. We need public pension reform, we need to safeguard our fragile economy, and most importantly we must reform our education system and insist on a quality education for our children. We must return the control of our children’s education to parents, and we must demand accountability for the billions of dollars being paid into the system by Arizona taxpayers.

We have won great victories together and I hope I can count on you to work with me to earn another one here in 2012.

For God, Family and Country,
Russell Pearce

P.S. Please remember to let me know what you can do to help us in this critical early stage of the campaign!
Paid for by Pearce For Arizona