Please come to a Meet and Greet on behalf of Diane Douglas, who is running against John Huppenthal for the office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. Be sure to bring questions for her! This event will be held on Friday, April 18, at Burke Basic School, 131 E. Southern Avenue, from 6:30 – 8:30 pm. If you can’t attend, did you know that you can sign Diane’s petition online? Please click HERE.
Ms. Douglas has been studying the American education system and its history for almost 20 years. In addition, she has studied curriculum content and instructional theories to insure the quality of her own daughter’s education. She has served on PTAs, school site councils, on district committees, and ultimately on the Peoria Unified Governing Board. During that time, she has worked and consulted with experts throughout Arizona and the nation. She has spoken at numerous conferences and events in Arizona and nationally.
Ms. Douglas firmly believes in local control of education and that Common Core must be stopped.
A favorite quote is from Winston Churchill:
“There is no doubt that it is around the family and the home that all the greatest virtues, the most dominating virtues of human society, are created, strengthened and maintained.”
Diane Douglas, Candidate for Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction
Another Chance to Weaken Common Core’s Death Grip – Say YES to HB2316
What’s Wrong with Common Core Standards (aka ACCS)?
Child Psychologist Dr. Megan Koschnick Explains why Common Core Standards are Inappropriate for K-3.