Here’s a recent article that should be very instructive and helpful to our "Republican" Governor Jan Brewer titled On Obamacare, Oklahoma Leads. Here are some excerpts:
"Oklahoma attorney general Scott Pruitt has found an ingenious way to call a halt to the Obamacare project: Hold the federal government to the letter of that misbegotten law. His fight is a lonely one: While a majority of states signed on to the 2010 lawsuit opposing Obamacare on constitutional grounds, Oklahoma is standing largely alone today.
"One would think that at this particular moment in history, fighting back against the administration’s illegal use of the IRS to punish those who refuse to go along with the Obama health-care agenda would produce a very full political bandwagon. Republican governors who have pronounced themselves opposed to the ACA and yet have knuckled under to the associated expansion of Medicaid — meaning, among others, Governors Brewer, Scott, Kasich, and, especially, the ambitious Governor Christie — ought to be supporting Oklahoma and filing lawsuits of their own. Those in states that have refused to set up exchanges should not allow the IRS to in effect overrule them. Stopping the IRS from imposing punitive taxes where it has no legal power to do so should in fact be a popular and bipartisan issue, regardless of one’s opinions about the ACA itself."