Please Stand Up for Prayer at Gilbert Governing Board Meetings

The Gilbert School Board meets tonight, Tuesday, Jan. 14 at 7 pm.  The topic is “Should an Invocation be brought back to open the Governing Board meetings”?

Gilbert Public Schools – 7 pm
Building B
140 S. Gilbert Road
Gilbert, AZ 85296

Email address to all board members:

Please attend and speak up, or send an email in support of an Opening Invocation before Governing Board Meetings.

According to Staci Burke, GPS Board President:

“It appears that the U.S. Supreme Court in the Town of Greece case is leaning that it is Constitutional to continue the practice.  I expect that the board will likely be holding a meeting next Thursday at 5 pm to discuss adoption of a Resolution to bring back prayer to the Board meeting and discuss adopting a policy regarding such practice.  Under the law it will need to be non-denominational and all religions invited and treated equally in participation.”

Here is the item on tonight’s agenda.  (See the full agenda here)

10.02 Discuss the Adoption of a Resolution regarding an Opening Invocation before Governing Board Meetings.

This same issue was brought before the previous GPS Governing Board in September 2012 and was voted down.  Here’s the article titled Some Gilbert Residents Want School Board to Bring Back Prayer: .

The issue isn’t establishment of religion or proselytizing.  Rather, it’s simply allowing the public it’s freedom of speech and religious freedom.  A legislative body such as the school board should not be banning this First Amendment Right from the public square.