Randy Hatch, president and founder of the Arizona Red Mountain Patriots, will be speaking at 6 pm to members of the Payson TEA Party. The group meets at Tiny’s Restaurant, 600 E. State Highway 260, Payson. An interesting an engaging speaker, Randy is an expert on American History, the founding of America, and the Founders themselves. The Arizona Red Mountain Patriots is well known throughout Arizona as the best attended weekly meeting of TEA Patriots.
Every week, Randy features experts who speak on matters of extreme importance to our individual freedoms. Next week, April 22, Dr. Mary Zwelling will be flying to Arizona to speak about "The Dirty Details of ObamaCare." Most recently, his guest speakers have included Brigitte Gabriel, an expert on the Middle East and Radical Islam; Earl Taylor, president of the National Center for Constitutional Studies and principal of the Heritage Academy Charter schools; Sheriff Joe Arpaio; and State Representative Steve Smith.
Randy also publishes an excellent newsletter. Sign up here: redmountainteaparty@gmail.com.