Randy Hatch to Speak at the 4/18 Payson TEA Party!

Randy Hatch, president and founder of the Arizona Red Mountain Patriots, will be speaking at 6 pm to members of the Payson TEA Party.  The group meets at Tiny’s Restaurant, 600 E. State Highway 260, Payson.   An interesting an engaging speaker, Randy is an expert on American History, the founding of America, and the Founders themselves.  The Arizona Red Mountain Patriots is well known throughout Arizona as the best attended weekly meeting of TEA Patriots.

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U.S. Fish & Wildlife to Introduce Wolves into Gila, Navajo, Graham, and Coconino Counties

The following article was written by Donna Daly, a resident of Gila County.  If you live in Gila, Navajo, Graham, or Coconino county, or if you have a cabin in any of these areas, or if you have a business in these counties, you need to read every sentence of Ms. Daly’s article.  The deadline for comments to the U.S. Fish & Game is 10/28/2013.  No hearings have been scheduled in areas where these wolves are to be released!   All of the animal rights activists from across America know about it.  Not us!   These members of the Sierra Club and Defenders of Wildlife don’t even live in Arizona where these animals will  be released.  I live within 30 feet of the Tonto National Forest.  I know what coyotes can do.  I love all wild animals.  I love wolves.  It is criminal to release them in these areas, where they will be shot and killed by people protecting their families and livelihood.  If the animal rights people want to preserve wolves, release them in remote areas, not near people, and especially not near children!  Don’t release them where they will kill pets and livestock and ruin the economy of the towns that thrive on the recreational trade.   

This is what Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, Harry Reid, and all the Democrats want!  They want to grind America into the ground. 

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Arizona Senator Chester Crandell (LD6) to Speak at Payson TEA Party Meeting 8/8/2013

First, he is NOT the infamous Sen. Rich Crandall (LD16) who voted for the Medicaid Expansion bill.  This is Arizona Senator Chester Crandell (LD6) who voted against the Medicaid expansion.

Thursday, August 8th:  Please join the Payson Tea Party, 6:00-8:00 pm, Tiny’s Family Restaurant, 600 E. State Highway 260, Payson, AZ.  The speaker is AZ Legislative District 6 Senator Chester Crandell.  Senator Crandell is the Chairman of the Public Safety Committee, the Vice-Chair of the Education Committee, and a member of the Natural Resources & Rural Affairs, Appropriations and Government & Environment Committees.  He is a fifth-generation Arizonan, born in Holbrook.  Please join us as we hear updates from Senator Crandell and ask him questions about various issues. 

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Gila County Republican Party Censures Senator John McCain

The Gila County Republican Party has joined Maricopa, Mohave, Cochise, Apache, and Santa Cruz County Republican Parties in the following Censure of Senator John McCain:

When candidates for office campaign as Republicans, the electorate expects them to commit themselves to Republican principles when in office, and further;

Senator McCain was, at one time early in his career, a staunch Republican and committed to serving the interest of his Arizona constituency, and further;

Senator McCain’s recent legislative performance demonstrates a drift to left of center in favor of Democrat philosophies, and further;

Senator McCain has demonstrated greater interest in, and has repeatedly demonstrated support of Democrat interests, and less support of Republican interests, and

Whereas Senator McCain has amassed a long record of drafting, co-sponsoring and voting for legislation best associated with liberal Democrat interests, such as amnesty, funding for Obama Care, raising the debt ceiling, and continues to support liberal judicial nominees, while avoiding any defense of the liberal assaults on the Constitution and the second amendment, and

Whereas Senator McCain’s record of failing to support Republican principles and much of his sponsored legislation has been harmful to the citizens of Arizona and the United States; and,

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10/28/2013: Deadline to Comment to Stop Wolf Reintroduction!

October 28 is the deadline for submitting your objections to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s plan to reintroduce wolves into several Arizona counties.  The USFWS also intends to maintain the Mexican gray wolf as "endangered."  Believe me, if these wolves are introduced into Gila, Coconino, Navajo, and Graham counties, it will be livestock, wildlife, pets, humans, and the economy that will be endangered.
There are two issues: 
The first relates to the proposed changes to the Mexican wolf experimental nonessential population rule.  This expands the boundaries.  Click HERE.  You will see where to comment in the top right corner.  
The second relates to the continued listing of Mexican gray wolves as an endangered subspecies in the Southwest.  Click HERE. 
You don’t need to be eloquent or follow the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service onerous suggestions for what to say.  What’s needed is for Arizonans to stand up and speak out against both the Reintroduction and the Reclassification.
You could write the following:

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Arizona’s Rebellion Against Common Core!

You have been gathering the evidence for months.  You have been blasting that evidence to your email lists.  You have been posting hundreds of articles and research on Facebook.  Your numbers are growing.  It is time to Act!
Carol Clesceri has joined forces with others in a no nonsense campaign to educate Arizona’s parents and voters about the destructive nature of Common Core, and why it must be removed from Arizona classrooms and replaced with truly effective, grassroots-determined standards. Students should find joy in learning, not despair from being "standardized."  Teachers should not be slaves to a regimen of constant testing that destroys their academic freedom.  Carol is the author of Response to John Huppenthal’s Common Core Name Change.   
Please read Carol’s Call to Action below.  Please contact her.  Join the Arizona Common Core Rebellion!  

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Wolves Devastate Arizona’s Animals and Economy, and Force Children into Cages

Thursday, October 3, 2013:  Payson Tea Party, 6:00-7:30 pm, Tiny’s Family Restaurant, 600 Arizona Highway 260, Payson.  The speaker is Steve Smith, a long time Gila County rancher, who will share about “The Mexican Gray Wolf in the Western United States.”  Come hear about this Fish and Wildlife program to relocate these wolves in Rural Arizona and the costs to taxpayers.
Find out more about this dangerously stupid reintroduction of wolves into the forests of Arizona, thanks to the overreach into our State by the EPA and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. 
Click the “Read More” link below for the rest of the article.

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Regaining Our Public Lands: Meeting in Payson on 9/11/2013

Please attend a presentation titled Special Forum on Statehood given by Utah Representative Ken Ivory, President of American Lands Council,  Rep. Ivory will discuss the solemn promise made by the federal government in 1912 to cede all our lands to us at Statehood.  That promise has never been kept.  Mr. Ivory will explain the legal path the western states can take to regain the federal public lands that should have been disposed of in the contract (the Enabling Act) the federal government had with Arizona on Statehood Day.
Managing our own lands would be a huge economic boost to Arizona.  This forum is sponsored by Navajo County Supervisor Sylvia Allen; Gila County Supervisor Tommie Martin; Payson Mayor Kenny Evans; and Payson Council Member Su Connell.  The public is encouraged to attend. 
Wednesday, 9/11/2013, 6:00 pm at Messinger’s Community Room, 901 S. Westerly (off W. Main St) in Payson. 

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