Arizona’s Rebellion Against Common Core!

You have been gathering the evidence for months.  You have been blasting that evidence to your email lists.  You have been posting hundreds of articles and research on Facebook.  Your numbers are growing.  It is time to Act!

Carol Clesceri has joined forces with others in a no nonsense campaign to educate Arizona’s parents and voters about the destructive nature of Common Core, and why it must be removed from Arizona classrooms and replaced with truly effective, grassroots-determined standards. Students should find joy in learning, not despair from being "standardized."  Teachers should not be slaves to a regimen of constant testing that destroys their academic freedom.  Carol is the author of Response to John Huppenthal’s Common Core Name Change.   

Please read Carol’s Call to Action below.  Please contact her.  Join the Arizona Common Core Rebellion!  

To All Parents, Teachers, Legislators, and Citizens Concerned with our Children’s Education:

There have been many voices throughout Arizona expressing concern, confusion, and frustration in regard to the national Common Core Standards.  We have a multitude of questions.  We need answers!  What can we do?

Step One:       Become Educated !!     Bring your questions !!

We have a unique opportunity to hear firsthand from an expert in the Common Core Standards. 

Please make it a priority to attend the Common Core State Standards Symposium on Wednesday, October 30th at 1:00 pm.

Dr. Sandra Stotsky travels the country educating people as to the devastating shortcomings in these national standards.  She explains why, as a member of the validation committee, she could not approve standards lacking “rigor, critical thinking, and content.” 

A strong collective voice raising concerns with the federal takeover of public education is a powerful tool to exercise our civic authority as concerned citizens.  A hearing room filled with parents and voters searching for answers will invite media attention, increase public awareness, and will draw the attention of our legislators.  Furthermore, Arizona’s voice will be added to the rapidly growing national movement demanding return of local control of our schools.

Step Two:       Join Forces !! Other States have already made a difference – so can Arizona !!  

The tidal wave of voices questioning and protesting the federal intervention into our children’s education is growing rapidly.  With the full implementation of the national Common Core Standards, parents are experiencing firsthand the effects of untested government controlled standards, curriculum, and testing on their children. 

There has been a deluge of testimony from research experts, educators, and concerned citizens.  Legislators are conducting public hearings in their respective states resulting in proposed or passed legislation to pause or withdraw from the Common Core Standards, assessments, and/or the collection of private student data.  Several Governors have followed suit with Executive Orders.

Step Three:    Take Action !!            Let’s take a bite out of Common Core !!  

Please contact me if you’re willing to help

If not now, when?   If not you, who?

Carol Clesceri , LD17 PC and State Committeeman,