Here’s the scorecard: Pearce down. Arpaio, Biggs, Kavanaugh next.
From the Citizens for a Better Arizona website:
“….Unfortunately Senator Pearce’s brand of extremist politics is embraced by other elected officials like Sheriff Arpaio, Senator Andy Biggs, and Representative John Kavanaugh who are intent on continuing Pearce’s agenda. Our work is not done.” Randy Parraz, President.
You need to pay close attention to Randy Parraz. Note the Leftist chant “extremist”?
Of course, Randy Parraz, who recommends the Marxist book “The Pedagogy of the Oppressed,” would think that the rule of law and individual liberty is extreme.
“The theory of Communism may be summed up in one sentence: Abolish all private property." Karl Marx
You don’t see Parraz as a threat?
Check this article Randy Parraz Headhunter!
From the Conservative Underground:
DeeDee Blase, within the Randy Parraz Family Tree–she is a second or third cousin–,is pushing hard to defeat Sheriff Joe Arpaio and get Mike Stauffer elected. This means going for the Latino vote. She’s also a proponent of the "Arizona Compact." She has befriended Chad Snow (lifelong RINO) who is "on board" for the Arizona compact as well.
Here’s some information on both (Republicans?) DeeDee Blase and Chad Snow:
*DeeDee Blasé is the outgoing president of Somos Republicans, a pro-illegal immigration group that regularly spreads lies about SB1070. Somos Republicans
See GilbertWatch “Is SB1070 Constitutional” for true facts regarding SB1070. DeeDee stepped down from Somos Republicans to work on behalf of the National Tequila Party Movement focusing her efforts on registering Latinos to vote. (Much like Leftist Randy Parraz & Co. did in LD18). Mission Statement: A movement to celebrate Latin culture while promoting a massive non-partisan national Latino 2012 voter registration drive. To promote participation in the early ballot system. To increase political awareness that will increase participation during the Primary Elections as well as the General Elections. Here’s the link:
DeeDee intends to push for a Utah style compact in as many states as possible (including Arizona). She has already met with leaders in the state of Kansas to discuss and encourage their support. Forget the TEA Party – Here Comes the Tequila Party "The Tequila Party’s first major event is scheduled for later this month in Kansas"
**Chad Snow is the “lifelong Republican” who teamed up with Leftist Randy Parraz to jointly found the CBA (Citizens for a Better Arizona). This so-called "Republican" donated heavily to Liberal Democrat Randy Parraz’s failed campaign for U.S. Senate against John McCain. Snow is a Workers Compensation attorney who helps ILLEGAL immigrants with workers compensation claims. Arizona Immigration and Workers’ Compensation. “If you are an immigrant or undocumented worker who has been seriously injured while on the job, in Phoenix or throughout the state, you have a friend and champion in Snow & Carpio, PLC workers’ compensation law firm.”