School Administrators (aka “Gaggle of Nitwits”) at Ashton Ranch Elementary

"When teachers saw what happened, they hauled Eric into the principal’s office where he was forced to sign a document that labeled his actions “sexual misconduct.” Eric received detention as punishment.

"Martinez says she was not present for the meeting and not notified about the incident until after the fact."

Not mentioned in the article are the names of the principal and assistant principal, or their contact information.  So, here they are:

Principal:  David Stoeve.  623.523.8300.

Asst Principal:  Sherri Hedges.  623.523.8300. 

Click HERE to see the Ashton Ranch Home Page.

Click HERE for contact information.  

Click HERE for the link to the Dysart School District’s Governing Board members and their email addresses. 

 Click HERE for the full article.    

Here are some great public charter schools:

Adams Traditional Academy, located in North Phoenix, serves children in grades K-8.

Benjamin Franklin Charter Schools, with campuses throughout the East Valley, serves grades K-12. 

Burke Basic School, Mesa, serves grades K-6.

East Valley Academy, located in Mesa, serves grades K-6. 

Great Hearts Academies are located throughout the Valley, serving grades K-12.

Happy Valley, Queen Creek, serves K-6

Happy Valley, Peoria, serves K-6

Heritage Academy, with campuses in Mesa and Queen Creek, and another opening soon in Laveen, serves children in grades 7-12.