Before I provide you with the Officer Election results of our 12/4/2010 meeting, I want you to see the names of the Precinct Committeemen listed below who were NOT on Adam Armer’s slate (also known as the “LD22 Republican Party Board Recommendations” hereinafter referred to as “The Board”) for State Committeemen.
Please note that the first 3 names rejected by "The Board" are among the precious few Conservatives in the Arizona State Legislature. The other names are people who teach the Constitution and/or have been active in the fight to keep our taxes low, preserve our Constitutional liberties, and limit government.
Many others did not make “The Board’s” cut including Pam Stevenson, AZ Director TEA Party Patriots; Tricia Groe, former conservative Arizona State Legislator; Easton Kelsey and Jennifer Patentreger, both of whom are leaders in the East Valley TEA Party,and many others who have been on the front lines fighting for conservative ideals.
"The Board’s" slate did contain, however, elected officials who have voted many times to increase our taxes. Those people include: Linda Abbott, Cynthia Dunham, Joan Krueger, Les Presmyk, John Sentz, and Steve Urie.
I cannot understand or get my head around why Republican leadership espousing conservative principles would reject true conservatives in favor of tax and spend politicians.
Thank goodness there were enough PC’s who recognized the names of conservatives "Rejected for their Action" and voted them in. They did not vote mindlessly in lockstep with recommendations from "The Board" completely. And so, the names of those conservatives appear below in alphabetical order.
Before I get attacked by true conservatives who did appear on The Board’s slate, I acknowledge that there were some, and they are a blessing. All I ask of all of the State Committeemen who were voted in from LD22, is that they support Republicans who represent “We the People” and not more of the same status quo “Ruling Class,” or we are doomed.
Andy Biggs, Arizona State Senator
Eddie Farnsworth, Arizona State Representative
Thayer Verschoor, Arizona State Senator
Cindy Biggs
Anita Christy
Thomas Christy
Sarah Crawford
Janet Farnsworth
Dwayne Farnsworth
Julia Farnsworth
Jan Hibbard
Craig Nelson
Kim Nelson
Bill Norton
Dave Petersen
Tawna Petersen
Victor Petersen
Warren Petersen
Erin Scroggins
Jeff Smith
Angeleen Stapley
Shane Stapley
Diane Taylor
Kelly Townsend
Carla Verschoor
All officer candidates on The Board’s slate were voted into office, with one exception. Jeff Smith and Adam Armer tied for the Chairman position. Jeff Smith offered a “coin toss” to decide the winner and spare us the agony of a run-off election. Adam Armer declined. There will be a run-off election on 12/16/2010.
1st Vice Chair: Chris Ames
2nd Vice Chair: Steve Calabrese
3rd Vice Chair: Brett Petillo
4th Vice Chair: Kristin Desmangles
Treasurer: Tyler Hudgins
Secretary: Eddie Cook (Eddie was also on Jeff Smith’s slate. He was the Top vote getter of all State Committeemen! No one can dispute Eddie Cook’s hard work and fine character.)