Sylvia Allen Announces Candidacy for Arizona State Senate (LD6)

This is wonderful news!  

(Snowflake, August 12, 2014)—Responding to calls from constituents and colleagues, Navajo County Supervisor Sylvia Tenney Allen and former State Senator, today declared her intention to replace the late Senator Chester Crandell as the Republican Party nominee for State Senate representing Legislative District 6 at the State Capitol.

“In the last few days, I have been overwhelmed by the number of friends, colleagues, and party leaders who have reached out and encouraged me to seek the appointment to replace Senator Crandell’s name on the general election ballot,” Allen declared. “I am humbled and honored by their trust in me and am pleased to announce that I will seek the appointment.”

Allen continued, “Senator Crandell was a dear friend of mine. His loss is a tragedy for the residents of northern Arizona, who had grown to appreciate his folksy humor and principled policymaking. While no one will ever replace him, I am determined to fight for the same issues he stood for: limited government, personal property rights, and a return to the values and principles upon which our great nation was founded.”

Allen’s candidacy was immediately endorsed by a broad range of community and party leaders throughout the state.

Arizona Republican Party Chairman Robert Graham expressed his support for Sylvia and her candidacy. “With Democrats attempting to use a stealth candidate to steal this seat, it is critically important for Republican voters to come together and support the candidate who is most likely to bring us victory in November. There is no doubt in my mind that the right candidate is Sylvia Allen.”

Graham continued, “Sylvia is a longtime party activist and public policymaker who has spent the last thirty years dedicating her life to the cause of freedom.  As former state director of People for the West, she fought against environmental regulations that later proved catastrophically destructive to Arizona’s forests and rural way of life. As a two-term state senator, she fought for balanced budgets and a secure border. More recently, as a county supervisor she has advocated against higher property taxes and fought for new jobs for rural Arizona.  

“Clearly, there is no one better qualified, no one with more passion and experience, and no one more likely to win in November, than Sylvia Allen.”  

State Senate President Andy Biggs (R-Gilbert) echoed Graham’s remarks. “No other potential candidate for Senator Crandell’s seat has fought as long or as hard for rural Arizona than Sylvia Allen. She is an outspoken advocate for the issues and challenges facing northern Arizona and is the right person to carry on Senator Crandell’s legacy at the State Capitol.”

Representative Brenda Barton (R-Payson) encouraged the precinct committeemen of northern Arizona to rally around Allen’s candidacy. “As a close friend, seatmate, and colleague of Senator Crandell, I can state unequivocally that there is no one better qualified to take his place at the Capitol than Sylvia Allen. I hope and am confident that the part leaders of Legislative District 6 will agree and lend her their support.”

Perhaps most significantly, Sylvia Allen has received the support and endorsement of Senator Crandell’s widow, Alice. “I am grateful that Sylvia has chosen to put forward her name as a candidate for my late husband’s senate seat. I know that Chester would have supported her. He loved her as a friend and colleague and knew that she stood for the same issues that he did. They were very close both personally and professionally. She is the right person to fill his shoes.”

A former two-term state senator whose public service began with her appointment to finish the term of State Senator Jake Flake in 2008, Allen is well known to the residents and precinct committeemen of Legislative District 6. She has been a champion for a number of issues critical to the residents and businesses of northern Arizona.

Supervisor Allen serves as President of the Arizona/New Mexico Coalition of Counties, as a board member of the Little Colorado River Resources Conservation District, board member of the Northern Arizona Council of Governments Community Action Board,  and was recently appointed by the Arizona Corporation Commission to the Transmission Line Sitting Committee.

Allen was born in Arizona with family roots in the northern Arizona. She and her husband, Richard, have five children, and nineteen grandchildren. Allen is former realtor who has been involved in community and political affairs for over three decades.   Allen served in leadership positions at the Arizona State Senate, including President Pro Tempore. She also served as chairman of the Border Security, States’ Rights and Sovereignty Committee, and served as a member of the Education, Rural Development, and Appropriations Committees. She is currently a Navajo County Supervisor, representing Snowflake, Taylor, Woodruff, Holbrook, Joseph City, White Mountain Lakes and Shumway.