Overwhelming Support from Community Leaders on behalf of Ron Bellus for Gilbert Schools Governing Board!

An Open Letter to the Voters in the Gilbert Public School District:

As a member of the Gilbert Town Council, I join with other current and former elected officials who fully endorse Ron Bellus for the Gilbert School Board. We understand the importance of building relationships when working with one another in the governing process. Those relationships aren’t created overnight; it takes time to build trust and mutual respect.

We know Ron and have worked with him for years—some of us for decades. When there is an issue facing the Gilbert School District, we know we can trust Ron to be honest and candid in our conversations and come to a resolution that will be in the best interest of parents, students, teachers and staff.

Ron Bellus has served in and is familiar with all levels of Arizona government—schools, town, county and state, and in all three branches of government.  He has given countless hours of volunteer service during his more than 21 years in the Gilbert community. Ron is well-respected by Republicans, Democrats, and independents for his leadership and communication skills. And his great sense of humor is a welcome, stress-relieving trait, especially when dealing with highly charged issues.

Ron’s varied life experiences have instilled in him a sense of compassion for others and a willingness to listen and then to make wise choices. He is a solid conservative who supports parents having control over the choice of their children’s education and he opposes Common Core.

Please go to his website www.ronbellus.org for a more complete list of supporters and to learn more about him. I encourage all citizens in the Gilbert Public School District to support and vote for Ron Bellus for the Gilbert School Board.


Jared Taylor
Gilbert Town Council

We Support Ron Bellus for Gilbert Public School Board. Please join us by early ballot or on Tuesday, 4 November 2014.

Bill Montgomery, County Attorney

Andy Biggs, State Senate President (LD 12)

Eddie Farnsworth, State Representative (LD 12)

Warren Petersen, State Representative (LD 12)

Mickie Niland, LD 12 Republican Chair

David Farnsworth, State Senator (LD 16)

Kelly Townsend, State Representative (LD 16)

Jerry Clingman, LD 16 Republican Chair

Steve Yarbrough, State Senator (LD 17)

Javan “JD” Mesnard, State Representative (LD 17)

Tom Forese, State Representative (LD 17)

Tyler Bowyer, LD Republican Chair

Eddie Cook, Gilbert Vice Mayor

Victor Petersen, Gilbert Town Council

Ken Bennett, Secretary of State

Doug Ducey, State Treasurer

Joe Hart, State Mine Inspector

Bob Stump, Corporation Commission Chair

Brenda Burns, Corporation Commission

Susan Bitter Smith, Corporation Commission

Gary Pierce, Corporation Commission

Hos Hoskins, County Treasurer

Tom Freestone, former State Senator

Thayer Verschoor, former State Senator

Lauren Hendrix, former State Representative

Les Presmyk, former Gilbert Town Council

See Also:

LD12 Republicans Endorse School Board Candidates

Gilbert Watch Voting Recommendations:  Nov. 4, 2014 Election!