STOP these Free Market Killing ICC Building Codes in Gilbert – TOWN COUNCIL VOTES THURSDAY, 11/7/2013!

Please see Gordon Ray’s email below. Thanks to the high level of research and persistence of Gordon’s team of dedicated citizens, the Gilbert Town Council is looking at the ICC 2012 Building Codes like they never have in the past.  So far the Council has hit the pause button. 

Tomorrow they vote.  PLEASE send an email and/or attend this meeting to speak out against adoption of these codes.  This email address will reach Mayor John Lewis and all Council members:   Town Hall, 50 E. Civic Center Drive, Gilbert, AZ 85296.

How can any of these codes honestly be about safety issues?  Is your house still standing?  Is every house in Gilbert still standing?  What about all the office buildings, grocery stores, and government buildings?  All were built with tons of previous codes.  None were built with these proposed 2012 Codes!   None of the homes and buildings built without these codes have presented any hazards.  Children haven’t gotten shocked from sticking screwdrivers, paperclips, or anything else into the outlets. 

Please tell the Council:  Even if a code is an improvement, that improvement shouldn’t be made into a law.  The improvement should be a choice between the builder and the person paying for the construction.  Just because some private entities wrote those codes, forcing them on the citizenry is NOT supporting the Free market.  Leave the Free market to compete on its own, without more onerous regulations. 

Enough of Government Regulations at all levels!   All of these monsters got their start at the local level.  Kill the monster while it’s young, before it turns into the Rottweiler that runs your household.    

From: Gordon Ray


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Gilbert Town Council Member Jared Taylor’s Opinion about adopting the 2012 ICC Building Codes

This afternoon, July 30, 2013, the Town Council meets in a Study Session at 4 pm to talk about the 2012 ICC building codes.  Click here for more information.   Your attendance in support of the citizens of Gilbert is appreciated.  

A few weeks ago, I asked each Council member for his/her opinion on who has the burden of proof for adopting codes into law? Should individual citizens be expected to prove that each of hundreds of codes should NOT be made law?  Or should Town employees be required to prove why they SHOULD be made law?  

In response to that question, Council Member Jared Taylor responded by copying me on an email he sent on July 9 to Patrick Banger, Gilbert’s Town Manager:

Hi Patrick,

As far as I can tell, the purpose of having building codes is to solve problems.  For example, smoke detectors save lives so we mandate them.  There is clear data to show this.

As I’ve listened to Kyle’s team, I’m not sure they are focused on solving problems in our community, but more on passing along the recommendations from national/international bodies.

I realize a few state-mandated items were withdrawn, but that didn’t come from our building community.  Don’t get me wrong, the IBC’s have some positive things in them.

As you probably know, the 2012 codes will add hundreds of new regulations on our builders.  Many builders will profit by the additional work and just pass the cost on to our citizens.  The citizens will eventually carry the cost of all the expensive fees, inspections, and hours it takes to design, review, and inspect to the new and existing regulations.  This will cost Gilbert families millions of additional dollars very quickly.  I wonder about the real value here and can’t support something that isn’t empirically validated to solve problems.

As a result, it seems reasonable that I get hard empirical justification on every new regulation that is being recommended.  I would like to see the statistics of how many injuries, deaths, or other harms the lack each regulation has caused in Gilbert and how this new regulation is proven to address the issue.   

If we are not solving actual problems, we are simply creating a huge amount of waste for our citizens in government jobs, fees, reviews, inspections, etc.  This is a simple ROI exercise that should have been part of the original process.

I would like to have someone on your team provide me this analysis. I’m OK to receive it in a spreadsheet. I know this may seem like a tall order, but given the massive imposition on our community these hundreds of new regulations will place, it’s really not that much.

Please let me know if you have any questions.



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Abraham Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Legacy

Thank you Jared Taylor, for this post


Key events in 1863 changed our nation forever.  Since the beginning of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln struggled to keep the States united. His military leadership severely under-performed and the nation was weary of war. The bitterness and bloodshed of the Civil War reached an all-time high in July at the Battlefield of Gettysburg.

Yet during it all, Lincoln remained committed to the Almighty God and His blessings. In October of 1863 he issued the following official proclamation making the last Thursday in November as a Thanksgiving celebration for the entire nation.  

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Safe Cities and Towns

by Jared Taylor
Gilbert Town Council Member

Last year the Town of Gilbert was ranked as the second safest city in America. Great news! This ranking came from a review of violent crime data in the US. While the press focused largely on the influence of public safety, let’s take a moment to recognize the real reason for this ranking: strong families and a thriving faith and service community.

Oftentimes I will use a sports analogy for Team Gilbert and refer to our families, service groups, churches, and schools as our offense.

These groups score the real points in our Golden Rule Town.  By instilling both a love of America and strong moral values into our community, strong families are the Most Valuable Player in Gilbert.

Of course a great team can’t be successful without a good defense.  In a community, a strong defensive team consists of solid public safety and judicial systems. 

In 1995, Dr. Patrick F. Fagan of the Heritage Foundation summarized the following conclusions from professional literature on violent crime and the family in his article titled The Real Root Causes of Violent Crime:  The Breakdown of Marriage, Family, and Community.

Over the past thirty years, the rise in violent crime parallels the rise in families abandoned by fathers.

High-crime neighborhoods are characterized by high concentrations of families abandoned by fathers.
The future criminal tends to be an individual rejected by other children as early as the first grade who goes on to form his own group of friends, often the future delinquent gang.
On the other hand:

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McCain-Assisting PAC Misleads Voters about Conservative Opponent Kelli Ward

by Patrick O’Malley and Anita Christy

The Arizona Grassroots Action PAC has been running a negative ad about Kelli Ward for weeks on radio stations and FaceBook. The ad claims she failed to support our military with the funding needed to pay the troops. It also claims she sponsored a bill to prevent law enforcement in Arizona from cooperating with the feds to prevent terrorism.

Both claims are false.  

Every year, Congress passes a National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to fund the military.  A serious criticism of the 2013 NDAA was that it continued to include a provision that allows the military to detain individuals, including US citizens, indefinitely and without trial, as part of the war on terror.  

Kelli Ward was a State Senator and couldn’t vote on the NDAA, but she was asked about the bill and specifically about the indefinite detention of individuals issue on a talk radio show. The show is Love, Guns, and Freedom with Luca Zanna, and the discussion about the NDAA with Kelli Ward is part of the December 1, 2013 show.  That’s where the quote “I don’t support the bill” comes from. It was in response to a direct question about the indefinite detention provision.  

In 2014, many brave conservatives joined Ted Cruz in opposing this tyranny for the same reason given by Kelli Ward.  See Ted Cruz: Indefinite Detention Retained in NDAA 2014.  

The second issue concerns Arizona SB1156 in 2014.  Dr. Ward was the prime sponsor, along with 13 co-sponsors. The Grassroots Action PAC claims the bill would restrict Arizona law enforcement from cooperating with the feds to fight terrorism. Do you remember back when we found out the NSA was monitoring our phone calls? That it wasn’t just suspected terrorists’ international calls like we’d been told? It was everybody’s calls all the time? And people were wondering what had happened to their Fourth Amendment protections from search and seizure? SB1156 stated that the NSA and other federal agencies that wanted cooperation from local law enforcement in their investigations and wanted to collect information in Arizona had to get a warrant. No cooperation without a warrant.   

The AZ Grassroots Action PAC was organized in 2014 supposedly to support or oppose multiple federal candidates and is classified as an independent expenditure committee.

Not quite.   According to an article in Politico titled McCain’s big purge: 


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