Dr. Ben Carson and President Thomas Jefferson call for unity

It is time to unite and elect Donald Trump.  Former President of the Arizona Senate, Russell Pearce, recently called for unity.  So did Dr. Ben Carson and President Thomas Jefferson.  

On March 4, 1801, Thomas Jefferson delivered his First Inaugural Address.  Within that Address, he wrote:

“Let us, then, fellow-citizens, unite with one heart and one mind. Let us restore to social intercourse that harmony and affection without which liberty and even life itself are but dreary things. And let us reflect that…we have yet gained little if we countenance a political intolerance as despotic and wicked. But every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle. We have called by different names brethren of the same principle. We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists.”  

On May 12, 2016, Dr. Ben Carson wrote an article titled The Cost of Division: Truth and Consequences.  Within that article, he wrote:

"As we approach the presidential election of 2016, conservatives need a strong dose of purpose and harmony. We have witnessed the politics of personal destruction at a level even more intense than occurred during the 2012 election cycle. After that failed attempt by conservatives to capture the White House, much post-election analytical activity concluded that the Republican candidates had once again snatched defeat from the jaws of victory by crucifying one another, leaving President Obama with relatively little work to do to win despite his dismal record on the economy and international relationships."

Dr. Carson ends the article with this:

"It is time for us to think about our patriotic ancestors who sacrificed much, in many cases even their lives, to provide opportunities that we now enjoy. It is our turn to be responsible."


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Jake Hoffman for Queen Creek Council: Op-Ed

Queen Creek Council candidate Jake Hoffman recently published an Op-Ed that appeared in AZ Central titled My Turn: 3 ways to spend new Queen Creek money.  

I invite you to read it and comment.  Always forward thinking, Hoffman was the clearest, most conservative voice during his term as a Higley Unified School District board member.  In like manner, Jake Hoffman has laid out a plan for how  Queen Creek can best utilize the new mid-decade census money it is slated to receive over the next four years.  With a town in desperate need of roads and a gross indebtedness of nearly $200 million, it is of paramount importance that this new revenue be strategically earmarked to address Queen Creek’s most pressing priorities.

Jake has asked that you vote for both him and Natasha Schaeler to the town council on August 30.  They will be consistent voices for the priorities that matter most to Queen Creek citizens.

Click HERE to read Jake Hoffman’s recent Op-Ed.

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Donald Trump: One-Man-Wrecking Ball Suited for our Times

I didn’t vote for Trump.  But I agree with former Senate President Russell Pearce, Treasurer Jeff DeWit, conservative activist Sandi Bartlett, and a host of others that we must rally behind Trump as our next President.  His detractors say he’s flip-flopped on issues.  He isn’t a "true" conservative.  He’s uncouth, narcissistic, and unrefined.  All of that may be true.  They say he’s racist.  He’s sexist.  I don’t believe that.  But why is he so popular with the American people?  This article addresses that question, and explores another one:  Is it possible, as asked by Australian Pastor Steve Cioccolanti , that the Hand of God is on Donald Trump, "for such a time as this"?  If so, it won’t be the first time that God has used the most unlikely of men for His Purpose.

As to Donald Trump’s popularity, Scott S. Powell believes that Trump possesses "qualities that are among those most vital to rebuilding relations with America’s allies and restoring respect — even fear — from adversaries. Mr. Trump’s directness also suggests he is the best-suited presidential candidate to take on America’s insolvency. He could be the president who corrects the nation’s out-of-control spending, deficits and unsustainable debt. Trump’s toughness may be the key virtue needed to rule in a divided country and to successfully downsize and restructure federal agencies and get Washington out of the way of the American economy and its people."

America: The Unprotected and the Suicidal  

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Russell Pearce has taken a stand to support Donald Trump, and I agree with him.  Please read what he has to say: 

As former President of the Arizona Senate, as former Chief Deputy to Sheriff Joe, as former 1st Vice Chair of the Arizona Republican Party and as a consistent Constitutional defender of our Founders Constitution, as Tea Party Patriot, I stand with the majority of Arizona Republicans and America in standing with Donald Trump.

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AZ Rep. Warren Petersen (LD12): Lawmaker of the Week

Congratulations to Arizona State Representative Warren Petersen (LD12) for being named Lawmaker of the Week by the Arizona Chapter of Americans for Prosperity.  Rep. Petersen’s legislation has removed onerous regulatory procedures and increased Liberty for Individuals.  For more information about Warren and his efforts for Individual Liberty, please visit the Warren-Michelle Petersen Facbook page.  Also, see Warren’s profile on the Arizona Legislature website member page. 

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Gilbert One of few Valley Cities on Solid Financial Ground

Did you read this latest article?  You can thank a fiscally responsible Gilbert Town Council for keeping Gilbert one of the most attractive and financially sound places to live in Arizona.  Thanks to strong Gilbert families, it is also one of the saintliest and safest towns in America!  

Two Town Council members are up for re-election:  Victor Petersen and Eddie Cook.  Please support both of these fine gentlemen. 

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Arizona Sen. Carlyle Begay: “We Must See Ourselves in a Whole New Light”

As noted in a November 24 news article, Senator Carlyle Begay has recently changed from the Democrat to Republican Party.  I have never met Sen. Begay, but I’ve observed him and heard his remarks during the last legislative session.  He is a highly intelligent, thoughtful, well-educated man.  Both Democrats and Republicans can politicize his decision all they want, but I know that he will be guided by his convictions, not politics, whenever he casts his votes.  The welfare of his constituents, many of whose ancestors were the First Arizonans, will rank far above either party.  He believes that the time has come for his people to achieve prosperity. In fact, he wants all Arizonans to prosper.  Please watch this video.  Notice the many terms and phrases that he uses.  This is what the Republican Party stands for.  

In the following video, you will gain some insight into why Senator Begay is adamant that "change must happen" and why he believes it is the Republican Party that is working to find solutions that will help the people that Sen. Begay represents.  He explains that "families living within our rural and tribal communities are in a crisis.  Unemployment is as high as 80%.  Roads, bridges, and infrastructure are wasting away.  Many Native American families are without electricity and clean, running water.  Native American students have some of the lowest graduation rates and some of the highest drop-out rates.  Native Americans have the highest rates of suicide in the country."    Senator Begay desires to work within the Republican Party to build a bridge connecting those who need and want a chance with those who can help provide that chance. The Republican Party is the party of progress, the party of opportunity.  It is, now, Senator Begay’s Party.  

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Morality and Patriotism: What Sacrificing for the Greater Good Really Means

The following is excerpted from Robert A Heinlein’s Speech to the USNA 1973.  

As one drives through the bushveldt of East Africa it is easy to spot herds of baboons grazing on the ground. But not by looking at the ground. Instead you look up and spot the lookout, an adult male posted on a limb of a tree where he has a clear view all around him – which is why you can spot him; he has to be where he can see a leopard in time to give the alarm. On the ground a leopard can catch a baboon… but if a baboon is warned in time to reach the trees, he can out-climb a leopard. The lookout is a young male assigned to that duty and there he will stay, until the bull of the herd sends up another male to relieve him. Keep your eye on that baboon; we’ll be back to him.

Today, in the United States, it is popular among self-styled ‘intellectuals’ to sneer at patriotism. They seem to think that it is axiomatic that any civilized man is a pacifist, and they treat the military profession with contempt. ‘Warmongers’ – ‘Imperialists’ – ‘Hired killers in uniform’ – you have all heard such sneers and you will hear them again. One of their favorite quotations is: ‘Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.’ What they never mention is that the man who made that sneering remark was a fat, gluttonous slob who was pursued all his life by a pathological fear of death.

I propose to prove that that baboon on watch is morally superior to that fat poltroon who made that wisecrack. Patriotism is the most practical of all human characteristics. But in the present decadent atmosphere patriots are often too shy to talk about it – as if it were something shameful or an irrational weakness. But patriotism is NOT sentimental nonsense. Nor is it something dreamed up by demagogues.

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