Record Shattering Spring Cold! Blame it on the progressives

To all the progressives out there who, through your example, have become organic gardeners and nut and berry gatherers—thus reducing your carbon footprint–your efforts to reduce greenhouse gasses are paying off! 

Just look around.  Record cold temperatures!  Stubborn ice and snow in May!  In Venice, Berlin, Spain, Italy, Algeria, Slovenia, Pamplona, the Black Sea, Arkansas, eastern Rockies, Dakotas, Minnesota, Arkansas, Anchorage, and today (May 25, 2013) the entire United States of America. 

I know.  It’s hard on you, trying to grow backyard veggies for your family in sub-freezing temperatures, but look at the bright side. The planet appreciates all that you are doing to save it.  

(See 5 gratifying articles below for undeniable proof that reducing one’s carbon footprint works.)

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Gilbert, Arizona Scientist Weighs in on Climate Change

Dr. Craig D. Idso is the lead editor and scientist for the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC).  In response to the recent hysteria expressed by Senator Barbara Boxer and Secretary of State John Kerry, he wrote and published an Op-Ed in Breitbart titled Dueling Climate Reports.   

Dr. Idso has been studying the effects of C02 for several years and updates his website C02 Science with new studies and research on a weekly basis.

In Dueling Climate Reports, he throws cold water on the hotheads who are running around waving their arms in the air. 

"To borrow a telling phrase from their report, the UN sees nothing but “death, injury, and disrupted livelihoods” everywhere it looks—as do Senator Boxer, Secretary Kerry, and others.  Climate Change Reconsidered II: Biological Impacts demonstrates that life on Earth is not suffering from rising temperatures and atmospheric CO2 levels. Citing reams of real-world data, it offers solid scientific evidence that most plants actually flourish when exposed to both higher temperatures and greater CO2 concentrations. In fact, it demonstrates that the planet’s terrestrial biosphere is undergoing a great greening, which is causing deserts to shrink and forests to expand, thereby enlarging and enhancing habitat for wildlife. And much the same story can be told of global warming and atmospheric CO2 enrichment’s impacts on terrestrial animals, aquatic life, and human health."

Dr. Idso goes on: 

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A Biblical Perspective on Humanity’s Relationship to the Biosphere

by Craig Idso, Ph.D.  

Dr. Idso is the author of several published peer-reviewed scientific articles and books, the most recent of which, The Many Benefits of Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment, details 55 ways in which the modern rise in atmospheric CO2 is benefiting earth’s biosphere.  He is the CEO of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change.

Stewardship and Sustainable Development in a World of Rising Atmospheric CO2

Summary: Protecting the environment has become a key consideration in almost all that we do; for it is put forth as a self-evident fact that being good to the Earth is the only way to ensure that our children and grandchildren will inherit a world that provides equal or greater opportunities and resources than that in which we now live. But who decides what is right and what is wrong in this regard? For a sizable segment of earth’s population, such answers are found in the Bible. Comprised of writings dating back thousands of years, this sacred book serves as an ethical compass for people of numerous faiths. It records historical events that reach back to the world’s beginnings, and contains prophetic writings that foretell the world’s future. But does the Bible cast any light on society’s stewardship role with respect to the environment and the other forms of life with which we share the planet? This question must be seriously considered; for if it does, that light would be incredibly important, as it would have to be acknowledged as coming from God Himself. And who is better qualified to settle differences among earth’s many life forms than He who created and placed them here?

Click HERE to read the article, which addresses:  Stewardship and the Preservation of Species, Sustainable Development in Ancient Israel, The Preeminent Environmental Dilemma of Our Day, Where is Wisdom?, What About Righteousness?, and The Face of the Future. 

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Global Warming is a Hoax

"The greatest deception in the history of mankind."

How long do you think it will take the "experts" (junk scientists, bureaucrats, Leftists, Common Core developers, college professors, the media, the movie industry, elected officials who believe these professional hand-wringers, etc.) to figure it out?   Answer: Never.

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No Observational Evidence That There is Something Unusual, Unnatural or Unprecedented about Earth’s Current Warmth

The Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change (hereafter, Center) was founded as a non-profit organization in 1998 to provide regular reviews and commentary on new developments in the world-wide scientific quest to determine the climatic and biological consequences of the ongoing rise in the air’s CO2 content. It achieves this objective primarily through the weekly online publication of ‘CO2 Science,’ which is freely available on the Internet at, and contains reviews of recently published peer-reviewed scientific journal articles, original research, and other educational materials germane to the debate over carbon dioxide and global change.

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Do those who doubt climate catastrophism lack scientific credibility?

James D. Agresti of Just Facts Daily questioned some assertions recently made by reporter Justin Gillis that scientists have affirmed that reaching the milestone of atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide of 400 parts per million (ppm), up from 288 ppm or by 39% since the dawn of the industrial revolution in the mid-1800s:
• “feels like the inevitable march toward disaster,”
• “we are quickly losing the possibility of keeping the climate below what people thought were possibly tolerable thresholds,”
• “we have failed miserably in tackling this problem,”
• “I feel like the time to do something was yesterday,” and
• “It’s scary.”  
What concerned Mr. Agresti was that Mr. Gillis dismissed a lone dissenting voice to these scientists: Dana Rohrabacher, a Republican congressman from California, stating that “climate-change contrarians” have “little scientific credibility.” 
Not exactly.

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