There is No Shortage of High-Tech Workers in the U.S.; All Job Growth since 2000 Went to Immigrants

High immigration is hollowing out the American middle class, in keeping with Obama’s promise to "fundamentally transform America."  

How often have you heard politicians make the following statement?

"Employers are telling me that they want to bring in engineers and other high-skilled workers from other countries to expand their businesses but are stymied by restrictions in the current visa system."

These politicians assume there is a labor shortage among American citizens.  They need to recheck their premise.     

Recent reports dispute two myths:  Myth 1:  There is a shortage of native born high tech (STEM) workers.  Thus, we need more H-1B visas.  Myth 2: Amnesty and more legal immigration are needed, because the country has a labor shortage, and more immigration increases job opportunities for native-born Americans.

You have heard and read about the need for foreign laborers, both skilled and unskilled.  But take a hard look at the opportunities for your own family.  Are your children finding a full time job upon graduation from high school?  Are they finding a good, full time job upon graduation from college? Can they find a job in their field of study?  Are they able to pay off thousands of dollars of student loans?  If they are struggling, they aren’t alone.  See Millennials Unemployment Report: 15.2% of workers 18-29 Out of Work – More Jobs Needed

In Study Finds No Shortage of High-Tech Workers in U.S.: 

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The Day of Reckoning by Richard Fernandez

I almost never, ever, do this.  I’m going to publish another person’s work in its entirety.  It’s too important.  You must read it.  

First, an update as of June 16, 2014.  The militant group ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) is advancing on Baghdad.  See Iraq Falling Apart as Militants March Towards Baghdad:  U.S. Begins Embassy Evacuation.

The following article was written by Richard Fernandez.  It contains photos and videos not published below.  SeeThe Day of Reckoning.

The article begins…..

Ernest Hemingway observed that people went broke gradually at first then all of a sudden.  Barack Obama’s career, for so long without visible means of support, has now moved onto the “all of sudden stage” of bankruptcy.

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, an al-Qaeda affiliated front of Muslims, have followed up their lightning seizure of Mosul by taking Tikrit, the former stronghold of Saddam Hussein.

In Mosul and surrounding areas, more than 150,000 troops fled their posts as the militants advanced, leaving behind thousands of weapons, including tanks and helicopters, that are now in ISIL’s possession, said Jabbar Yawer, a spokesman for ethnic Kurdish armed forces in Erbil.

The speed with which ISIL and its allies have advanced after their seizure on Tuesday of Mosul – a city of two million people – has sent alarm bells ringing not only in Baghdad but in western capitals.

The Tweets tell of a monumental collapse.  ”Jesus. “30,000 men – simply turned and ran in the face of the assault by an insurgent force of just 800 fighters … Surreal scenes in #Mosul, #Iraq as US trained troops leave behind their uniforms and flee from #ISIS to #Kurdistan. ”

Michael Yon Tweets: “Mosul: Iraq Crumbling before our eyes”. The Internet is rife with pictures of al-Qaeda triumphantly inspecting millions, perhaps billions of dollars worth of captured, American made military equipment.  It’s like Vietnam all over again, except this time the NVA are continuing the attack all the way to New York.

Unless the rot is stopped, ISIS will soon be at Baghdad’s gates and al-Qaeda’s affiliates will soon possess one, perhaps two major Middle Eastern countries plus trillions of dollars in oil resources. Libya, Iraq, perhaps Syria. They will be on the border of Saudi Arabia, able to credibly menace the energy lifeline of the Western world, a fact that can only play to Putin’s advantage.

The dangers of abandoning such a vital region were always obvious. Those who have not read my 2010 post, The Ten Ships, might take the time to do so now. It’s good for a laugh, not because it is so “brilliant” but because it’s so obvious. It explains how Obama’s political petulance made him ignore fundamental military strategy by ignoring the obvious center of Islamic militant gravity the Middle East in favor of redeploying the ground forces to a PR fantasy campaign in Afghanistan.

There’s nothing in place available to stop al-Qaeda. The forces that might have are locked up in the Southwest Asia, sustained at the mercy of Russia and Pakistan. Obama has been faked out; the AQ have gone around him for a layup to the basket. He may lose Iraq and its border with Syria before the year ends. Afghanistan’s fall will follow almost immediately thereafter, behind the last American troops, whose safe exit from the landlocked country is now by no means guaranteed.  The Russians lost more than 500 men going out in 1989 — and they only had to cross a land border a short distance away.

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Price Index for Meats, Poultry, Fish & Eggs Rockets to All-Time High

As you read this article, remember that every Town and City that taxes groceries gets an automatic raise.  Cha-Ching!  You get an automatic pay cut.  Unless of course, you stop buying as much food. 

Obama’s enduring legacies?  The most lawless president in U.S. history and the most financially devastating to average American households.

Here’s a quote from the article: 

"In January 1967, when the BLS started tracking this measure, the index for meats, poultry, fish, and eggs was 38.1. As of last May, it was 234.572. By this January, it hit 240.006. By April, it hit 249.362. And, in May, it climbed to a record 252.832."

Click HERE for the full article.

Also, keep in mind that our federal government does NOT factor in food or fuel in its inflation calculation.  See How the Feds Hide Inflation.

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Propaganda Trumps Teaching – Arizona’s Public School System

In case you haven’t noticed, there is a war going on in our K-12 public school system.  On one side are the Progressives and on the other, Conservatives.  Your child is caught in the middle.  

The Arizona Progressive Public School System appears to be winning this battle, as they continue to slide into promoting Sex Ed Taught by the Nation’s #1 Abortion Provider, Transgender politics, Darwinian groupthink, Climate Change Groupthink, Social Justice, Suckling at the Teat of Government, Hostility to Christianity, Hostility to Capitalism, Hostility to American Exceptionalism, and Americans are Killing the Planet.  

And while the local school districts are indoctrinating our kids, and demanding more tax dollars, they are also turning themselves into soup kitchens, Compressed Natural Gas stations, and jobs centers for adults.  

In Arizona, most local school officials reject "local control" in preference for top down nationalized educational standards (i.e., Common Core aka Arizona’s College & Career Ready Standards).  

Their message to conservative parent trouble-makers:  We’re the Experts.  Shut Up.  Go away.  Give us more money.

(One notable exception is the Gilbert Unified School District.  Board President Staci Burk, and board members Julie Smith and Daryl Colvin have been bucking the trend.  In the face of continual attacks from the progressives, they have accomplished much.  See The Accomplishments of the Gilbert Schools Governing Board.)   

So, Public School Officials, here’s my question:  Why should we feel sorry for you about how a voucher program will "drain money from the public education system"?  Do you have so little faith in your "high quality" educational centers that parents won’t choose your schools over others?  

Recently, hundreds of parents lost a months long battle with the Tempe Union High School District over sex education curriculum.  The board, led by Progressive David Schapira, thumbed its nose at these parents and adopted the F.L.A.S.H. program.  It will be taught by Planned Parenthood, or by teachers who will be taught by Planned Parenthood.  Isn’t the mere presence of Planned Parenthood in our schools in violation of Arizona’s state law?  

Want proof that your local public school teachers also promote Progressivism in Arizona’s schools?

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Gilbert’s Conservative School Board: WAR is the Price of Neglect

Whenever conservatives begin to gain a little power, you can expect the entrenched collectivist forces, aided and abetted by the “mainstream” media to start a War against us.  Why are you surprised by the media’s sudden interest in the Gilbert school board’s decisions?  Nothing like blood in the waters to attract the media sharks to go in for the kill. 

The truth is that Media bias is so well established in America that it is measured by how much the American people distrust it.  The mainstream media provides shoddy, glitzy, Leftist, junk journalism, yet people who think they know how to think still get hypnotized.   

The mainstream media despises conservatives and every principle we stand for. 

They sneer the words “TEA Party.”  The only “governance” they promote is centralized, not self governance.

Look with your own eyes at what they report and what they ignore

Check your local and national news and see how they report on issues relating to Climate change, Darwinism, Medicaid expansion, the Unions, Obamacare, Religion/Christian Persecution, Racism, Abortion “Rights,” Gay Marriage, Private property rights, Wind Farms, Solar, “Undocumented” migrants, not to mention their total lack of reporting on the avalanche of opposition to Common Core (aka Arizona College and Career Ready Standards). 

To the mainstream, government is the solution to every problem that government created in the first place.  With a little investigation, they could offer unbiased journalism.  But they are not unbiased.  They are Leftist Progressives.   (See Who is the Leftist?  Who is the Liberal?)        

Their most recent junk hit pieces would have you believe that GPS administrators have left in disgust over the actions of an imbecilic, TEA party (gasp) board, not due to a long standing system of destructive good old boy protectionism within the GPS hierarchy.  Western Connections has been reporting on this for a few years.  In fact "Westie" has reported on the abuses of the Good Old Boys so many times that the term has been shortened to GOB’s.  (Here’s a sample:  Gilbert Public Schools Admins:  Still Stirring up Trouble.) These truths don’t fit the "mainstream’s" Leftist world view, so they make up what does:  See Parents question Changes at Gilbert Public Schools

 Here is the lie stated in another truly disgusting piece of junk journalism by Brahm Resnick:  "Gilbert Town Councilwoman Jenn Daniels says her community must rally around its historically strong public schools, as turmoil at the School Board sends many educators out the door."  If you watched this hit piece, he even pounded his fist on the table trying to get Council Member Daniels to throw "TEA Party"conservatives under the bus.   She didn’t take the bait.  (See Gilbert leaders plead for unity amid School Turmoil.)   

The reason some of those administrators are resigning is very plain to most people who consult the space between their ears:  Those administrators know their contracts won’t be renewed.  Resignations are a graceful way out.  

Never let the Truth get in the way of a good story, especially if it’s a hit piece against conservatives, right Brahm? 

This one’s for you, you little squint:  The Rita Skeeter Interview:  Harry Potter

The Previous Board:  Dereliction of Duty

Prior to the election of Ms. Staci Burk and Mr. Shane Stapley in November 2010,  the Gilbert School Board had been voting in lockstep, approving virtually every recommendation spoon fed to them by Administration.  Look up the Minutes of those “peaceful” meetings (if they haven’t been scrubbed).  For years, the previous Gilbert School board had neglected one of their most important responsibilities:  to be the community’s accountability mechanism, ensuring that school officials wisely and responsibly spend taxpayer dollars.    

When Ms. Burk and Mr. Stapley took office in January 2011, the voting changed from a consistent, lockstep, no questions asked 5-0, to 3-2, and sometimes 4-1.  Ms. Burk and Mr. Stapley began doing the unthinkable:  They questioned Administration’s recommendations.  They also began  holding Administration accountable for their decisions. 

Open Disrespect Toward Conservative Board Members Begins

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Democrats Want Less Democracy, Fewer “Distracting” Elections

by Andy McKinney
President, Rim Country Republican Club

Memory is at once one of the most important components in maintaining a decent civilization and perhaps the most underutilized.  We can understand how this happens.  The rush of events, and the constant, 24-7 intensity of the news cycle leaves little room for reflection.  We of a certain age complain crabbily about the younger set who cannot vividly remember the mistakes and enormities of the Truman administration.  But what can we say about our stewardship of our own memories?  What about the enormities of the early Obama administration?  Have we forgotten them so quickly? 

Remember "Card Check"?

One aspect of the tornado of bad ideas that came in with our President in 2009 was “card check” (seems like a dusty old policy relic now, no?).   This rule change would apply to the way union certification elections are held.  Under traditional practice, if a group of workers contemplates forming a labor union, an election is held.  This is a real election, with ballots and everything.  The ballots are just as we would expect, that is, they are secret ballots.  The ballots are filled out in private.  The ballots are anonymous; this means that the ballots are not numbered or otherwise identifiable as to which voter voted in which way.  This is how we understand elections to be properly implicated in our glorious country.  This is opposed by other methods, say in Cuba, where the idea of privacy–our sacred secret ballot–is ignored.  The secret ballot for us is part and parcel of American Democracy.  Obama and his union goon minions wanted to do away with the secret ballot in union elections.  Decent people thwarted this anti-democratic, pro-totalitarian impulse.  Our union certification elections remain free, secret, and democratic.

Mainstream Democrats Want Less Democracy

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Vote YES to SB1270: Call Your Arizona Legislators NOW

SB1270 is up for a committee hearing and vote on MONDAY, 02-10.  Calls in support are needed all weekend long. Make sure the committee members know to vote YES on SB1270 on Monday!

Remember when the Leftists went crazy because Gov Brewer signed HB2305 into law last year?  That bill made it more difficult for unscrupulous community organizers to tamper with ballots. That did not sit well with them, so they proceeded to mislead people into signing a petition to place the bill on the ballot, to be voted on by the people. It is very likely that the same misleading campaign of "voter suppression" charges will again succeed, with the help of the liberal media, and the bill will be voted down. If that happens, the legislature will be powerless to bring back any of its provisions again. Only another vote of the people could do that, which under current conditions will be impossible. On the other hand, if the legislature reverses (repeals) HB2305, some or all of its provisions may be brought back by the legislature. That is why it is so important that SB1270, or its House counterpart HB2196, be enacted. (That is why the AFL/CIO and the SEIU are so adamant that SB1270 be defeated.)  Background:   Brewer signs Controversial Election Bill into Law and Secretary of State Determines Election Law Referendum can Move Forward.

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Political Correctness Fits the Leftist Narrative in Arizona’s Schools

When many Arizona-educated children finally learn that they have been lied to by those in charge of their Schools, who will they blame?  It is imperative that parents find out what is being taught to their children.  Parents should be exremely careful about turning their children over to the schools at earlier and earlier ages. Unless your child is being taught by a teacher who knows how to, on his or her own, ignore and replace the "suggested" texts that are embedded in Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards (aka Common Core State Standards), your child is learning the Leftist narrative described by Bill Whittle in the following video. Many of America’s schools have become institutions of educational malpractice.
Shouldn’t Arizona’s children be getting an education that builds strong character, which comes from studying the ideals and values of the great men and women of history, including those who founded the American nation?  Shouldn’t they be learning about the lives, beliefs and accomplishments of the heroes of America – Our founding fathers and mothers – and to better understand the values and principles which governed their lives and upon which they built the American nation, thus preserving our free nation in return?
"I am working really hard to be an optimist in this situation, but I am having a hard time seeing how these suggested texts benefit, protect, and preserve our country. Are these texts going to be the required texts? Do I have to use these exact excerpts? Every document that I viewed pulls down America’s foundation."  Cara Palmer, American History Teacher in How the Two Align:  Common Core State Standards and Heritage Academy’s American History Curriculum.  

"What are the messages that emerge from the two different objectives of the Common Core State Standards and Heritage Academy? Do these objectives align themselves? The answer, after looking at all the details, is no. They do not align. Is it not ironic that a school that teaches principles of liberty, meant to sustain and preserve our nation, is now being forced to accept and implement standards with an opposing objective and purpose? Does this seem right? Why is focusing on the founding fathers and principles of America not the focus of the Common Core Standards"?   Cara Palmer, American History Teacher in How the Two Align:  Common Core State Standards and Heritage Academy’s American History Curriculum

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