Announcing Website for New Beginnings Pregnancy and Parenting Center

Since 1994, New Beginnings Pregnancy and Parenting Center in Payson has been meeting the needs of young women who find themselves pregnant.  The Center now has a website which provides detailed information on its free services. Click HERE.  

New Beginnings offers faith-based loving support to women, men, teens, and families in our community.

All services are FREE, including Pregnancy Testing, as well as Educational programs that cover Prenatal Care, Parenting, Sexual Integrity, Life Skills, and Bible Lessons. New Beginnings provides a safe place where clients can talk confidentially about their concerns and fears, and introduces them to the facts about pregnancy, abortion, and adoption.

Parenting Points are earned for each completed lesson. These Points can be spent in the onsite shops where clients will find diapers, formula, clothing, toys, furniture, strollers, maternity clothes, etc., all of which have been donated by Payson’s caring community. 

For more information, please visit the New Beginnings Pregnancy and Parenting Center website.

See Also:

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The Speech that Rocked Virginia – Conservative Hero E. W. Jackson for Lt. Governor!

This man stands up for Republican Principles and the Republican Party platform!  Isn’t that what all duly elected Republican officials should do?  Which will it be?  Republican "unity" or Republican Principles?  If "unity," please explain what that means.  Unify around ….  what?  


If Republicans cannot unify around Republican Party Principles, there’s another party that has no principles.  Join that party.  




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Gilbert, AZ among “Most Saintly” in America

A. J. LaFaro was right, when he said, ""When I die and go to heaven I want to go to Gilbert … because Gilbert reflects the values that I believe in… and is home to lawmakers who oppose Medicaid expansion.”  See Maricopa County GOP Head A. J. LaFaro in battle for Party’s Future. 

It looks like Gilbert is indeed a slice of Heaven.  Gilbert was recently ranked the 2nd Most Saintly City in America.  We can thank the good citizens of Gilbert for this honor.  

The judging criteria was based on the following Seven Deadly Sins: 

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Arizona Rep Warren Petersen (LD12) – Always a Champion

Today, May 13, Rep. Petersen received a letter from the Center for Arizona Policy informing him that he received another perfect score in standing up for families, the sanctity of life, and marriage during the last session.  

States Rep. Petersen:

"As you know the family is the fabric of society and, as government leaders, it is incumbent upon us to do all we can to protect the family, life, and the institution of marriage.  Unfortunately these values are under attack.  This next election cycle is an important one.  

"In spite of some disappointments and setbacks, Arizona has made great strides over the last 6 years.  For example we are now the 4th most pro-life state in the union.  This has primarily been due to the fact that we have had a Republican governor, and a Republican legislature whom we have been able to hold to a pro-life, family and marriage platform.  Our State could easily fall into Democratic hands if we don’t all do our part in the next few months.  Not all of us can be elected officials.  But all of us can find a good candidate to support.  All of us can find one person that wasn’t going to vote and get them to the polls.  All of us can put a yard sign in front of our houses.  The primary election is in just over 90 days.  Please do what you can to make sure that we elect people who best represent your values into office."

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Thomas Jefferson Center Events: August 9 and 10

Here is your opportunity to learn what you won’t learn in Arizona’s public school system.   Both of these seminars are brought to you by the Thomas Jefferson Center, and they are held at the Clearview Cultural Center, 1355 S. Clearview, Mesa, AZ. 85206.  (North of US-60; East of Power Rd; NE corner of Hampton & Clearview)

"Current Events and the Constitution"
Friday, August 9.  7:00 – 9:00 pm

"Healing of America Series" – Seminar #4 "Restoring the Charter of Freedom"
Saturday, August 10.  8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Early registration:  $39 – Register Now.  At the door:  $49.

Here is a description of this seminar.  (Please attend even if you didn’t attend Seminars 1-3.)

" With the essential understanding you’ll have gained from Seminars 1-3, you’ll be ready to undertake a critical analysis of how the American people can restore the Constitution to its rightful place in our policies and our politics-and how we as a people can heal this great land: the Supreme Court, the Congress, the executive branch, and our educational systems, as well as our nation’s finances.

You will also learn how we can heal America spiritually and morally. Like every thinking American, you already know that we will never be able to succeed in this great land if we don’t eliminate the degeneracy that is wrecking families and destroying lives. But what can you and your family do about it? Seminar 4 will inspire you with new ideas and possibilities that will give you hope and assurance that America can recover and succeed. This "Healing of America" education series will prove to be among your most exciting learning experiences."

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Arizona Senator Chester Crandell (LD6) to Speak at Payson TEA Party Meeting 8/8/2013

First, he is NOT the infamous Sen. Rich Crandall (LD16) who voted for the Medicaid Expansion bill.  This is Arizona Senator Chester Crandell (LD6) who voted against the Medicaid expansion.

Thursday, August 8th:  Please join the Payson Tea Party, 6:00-8:00 pm, Tiny’s Family Restaurant, 600 E. State Highway 260, Payson, AZ.  The speaker is AZ Legislative District 6 Senator Chester Crandell.  Senator Crandell is the Chairman of the Public Safety Committee, the Vice-Chair of the Education Committee, and a member of the Natural Resources & Rural Affairs, Appropriations and Government & Environment Committees.  He is a fifth-generation Arizonan, born in Holbrook.  Please join us as we hear updates from Senator Crandell and ask him questions about various issues. 

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