Matt Salmon Endorses Senator Russell Pearce

"Elected officials should be recalled for breaking the law or engaging in conduct that is unbecoming of a public servant – Russell Pearce has done neither of these actions. For over a decade, Russell has stayed true to his duty to uphold the Constitution as well as his conservative principles and in the process has accomplished many great things for his district and state. I am proud to join other Republican leaders throughout Arizona in supporting Russell Pearce in this recall election."

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Statement by Phoenix Law Enforcement Association:

"Since SB1070, Phoenix has experienced a 30-year low crime rate. 600 police vacancies, budget cuts, and old policing strategies didn’t bring about these falling crime rates. SB1070 did. When hard-working rank-and-file Phoenix Police Officers were given access to the tool of SB1070, the deterrence factor this legislation brought about was clearly instrumental in our unprecedented drop in crime. And all of this without a single civil rights, racial profiling, or biased policing complaint. To ignore the positive impact of SB1070 in the City of Phoenix is to ignore the huge elephant in the middle of the room."

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Arizona Representative Cecil Ash Endorses Senator Russell Pearce

I find myself in the uncomfortable position of having to differ with a number of good friends and good people who support Mr. Lewis. I do not support any character assassination or demonization by either side. I do not condone untruths, or misrepresentations. Nor do I wish to seize on unintended inferences uttered under the stress of the moment. Russell has a record to run on, and Mr. Lewis is entitled to tell us how he would be different. Although I have great respect for Mr. Lewis, I believe Russell Pearce is the correct choice in the current election for the following reasons:

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