The AZ Conservative Coalition Issued its Ranking of Governor Brewer and 53 Republican Legislators

"The AZ Conservative Coalition (ACC),  formerly known as The PAChyderm Coalition, was formed in 2003  in Phoenix, Arizona under the leadership of our Founding Chairman, Phil Mason.   Frustrated with the "Big Tent" philosophy in charge of the Party apparatus, Republican conservatives felt the need to establish an organization that would advocate for the Republican Party Platform principles espoused by President Ronald Reagan. Those fundamental principles, based on the Constitution created by our Founding Fathers, have been unanimously endorsed by the delegates to our national conventions every four years since 1980.  With that fact in mind, we are the mainstream of the Party."

The ACC has ranked Governor Jan Brewer as well as 53 Arizona Senators and Representatives.  Go here to see how our Republican legislators performed, and here to see how Governor Brewer performed.    
Here are the TOP SIX Senators and Representatives:

Rep. Warren Petersen (LD12)  96.1  Reagan Republican

Rep. Carl Seel (LD20)  95.4  Reagan Republican

Rep. Steve Smith (LD11)  94.2  Pro-Freedom Republican

Sen. Judy Burges (LD22)  92.0  Pro-Freedom Republican

Rep. Darin Mitchell (LD13)  91.2  Pro-Freedom Republican

Rep. Steve Montenegro (LD13) 91.0  Pro-Freedom Republican

Here are the BOTTOM SIX Senators and Representatives, including One Governor:

Sen. Steve Pierce (LD1) 34.2  RINO

Sen. Rich Crandall (LD16)  35.3 RINO

Rep. Frank Pratt (LD8) 36.0  RINO

Gov. Jan Brewer  37.9  RINO

Rep. Heather Carter (LD15)  40.7  RINO

Rep. Kate Brophy McGee (LD28)  42.0  RINO