Steve Montenegro for Arizona Secretary of State

Arizona Representative Steve Montenegro (LD13) is exploring a run for Arizona Secretary of State.  Please review his website Steve Montenegro – Exploratory Committee for Secretary of State and offer your support.  Gilbert Watch supports Mr. Montenegro for a number of reasons.    He was ranked among the Top Six Arizona Legislators by the Arizona Conservative Coalition.   

He and Senator Al Melvin authored a petition titled Petition in Support of Limiting Government Week in Arizona.   

To give you an idea of Rep. Montenegro’s stands, here are two quotes:

“Montenegro reminds readers that the Bible’s instruction on charity applies to people, not governments, and that we should not be using government to coerce people into helping others.”

“The Constitution speaks to the right to life, and it does not speak to the right to government-funded health care. And the right to life is granted to us by God. It is inalienable.  And a dramatically expanded government-funded health care program has been granted to us by Barack Obama.” said Montenegro.

You may recall Representative Montenegro’s eloquent speech against the Medicaid Expansion, as seen here: