As incredible as it may seem, there is a very strong likelihood that there will be enough Arizona House Republicans defecting to the Democrats, thus passing the Medicaid expansion bill. Naturally, Governor Brewer will sign it into law. In anticipation that this will happen a group has formed to send this legislation to the ballot.
Please be ready to assist this effort. It will require several thousand petition signatures. Here is some information from United Republican Alliance of Principled Conservatives. The website is
Press Release – May 29, 2013
"On Tuesday former Arizona State Senators Frank Antenori and Ron Gould formed a committee named “The United Republican Alliance of Principled Conservatives,” or URAPC. The committee was formed for the purpose of stopping Obamacare and its associated Tax on hospital stays. Defeating Governor Brewer’s ill conceived and unconstitutional legislation must be referred to the ballot so it can be vetoed by the people of Arizona.
The Republican Precinct Committeemen of Arizona, united in their effort overwhelmingly passed resolutions opposing the Governors proposed expansion of Medicaid (AHCCS), a key component of Obamacare stating:
“The Voters of Arizona clearly expressed their will to reject implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) when they voted to amend the Arizona Constitution via Proposition 106 in 2010. The State of Arizona cannot afford to be saddled with the costs of implementing this federal program, AND the People of Arizona do not support Obamacare, assisting in the implementation of Obamacare, or subsidizing the Federal Government’s implementation Obamacare with State funds.” The PC resolutions continued to explicitly reject hidden tax increases and new entitlement programs.
Upon hearing of these resolutions, Governor Brewer openly mocked and ridiculed precinct committeemen, small businessmen, and the hard working taxpayers that voiced opposition to her efforts. As a result, they have formed an alliance to thwart the axis of Corporate welfare recipients, greedy lobbyists, and rogue Republican legislators, led by the Governor.
The alliance true to the independent spirit of Arizonans is motivated and committed to having their voices heard by collecting the required signatures to send this critical decision to the voters of Arizona.
The People’s Veto of Obrewercare.
The rugged individualistic spirit that is Arizona will prevail! We have a plan – we will Veto her bill. As the Governor emerges nationally as “a bad egg” the embattled Brewercrats, whose hearts have turned to stone from the Medusa inspired stare from the one with scorpions for hair, like Representative Ethan Orr of LD9 are whining through the media circuits insisting “we all have to come together after the vote.” Seriously?
I bring you an alternative: the "People’s Veto" – Yes, the State of Arizona allows the people to veto legislation. I with former Senators Frank Antenori and Ron Gould have formed a committee and it is called: United Republican Alliance of Principled Conservatives, URAPC.
We have 90 days to collect signatures. The countdown begins after the session ends (I will let you know), and once the signatures are validated at the Secretary of State’s office Obrewercare will be put on hold until the 2014 election. Any registered voter can collect signatures and any registered voter can sign the petitions (again, we cannot begin until after the session ends.)
Knives in the Back Show brought to you by the Arizona Republican Representatives.
Watch out folks! More knives in the back brought to you this week and next by the Arizona Republican Representatives. Now you know those hugs you receive for the money you gave and the miles you walked and the hours and hours you gave are just a maneuver to access your back. The pizzas and water bottles those Brewercrats gave you just do not seem to be a fair trade off for the increase in your insurance policy premiums, bankrupting the State, and increasing our taxes now does it?
We are in the final few weeks of this legislative session and no one knows what is going to happen. The Senate budget with Obrewercare will go to appropriations on Wednesday.
A day – two days? The choices are ram it through and put it on the floor, vote, back to Senate, then to the Governor or to drag it on for a few weeks.
I think the Governor will sign it on the 12th or 13th and they will end the session the following week.
Carter, Robson, Brophy-McGee, Goodale, Orr, Coleman are Solid for Medicaid Expansion.
Shope, Pratt, Fann, Dial – on the fence – you only need one.
Christine Bauserman, Chairman
United Republican Alliance of Principled Conservatives,