Tonight! Council Discusses New Town Manager Finalist

Tonight, 6/23/2011, at the Town Council Meeting, Agenda Item #27 is to discuss and consider a finalist in the selection of the Gilbert Town Manager. The Council will consider authorizing background checks, research, and further vetting.

If you haven’t been following this saga, especially the part about some of those “backgrounds,” see the links below to several Arizona Republic articles written by Parker Leavitt and the Editorial Staff.

Also, if you missed the “Live! Town Manager Interviews” held in the Council chambers on 6/17/2011, you can obtain a copy of the DVD for only $6. Just send an email to Cathy Templeton, the Town Clerk, at She’s very quick, and you can probably get the DVD the same day you request it.

Do you have some advice for the Town Council regarding their decision? Here’s the email address for Mayor Lewis and all of the Council members:

Here are the links to the newspaper articles:

1. “Gilbert Manager Hopefuls to Undergo More Scrutiny.” 6/21/2011.

2. “Gilbert Town Manager Hopefuls ‘Grilled’ Behind Closed Doors.” 6/21/2011

3. “Gilbert Town Manager Candidates: Business Growth Town’s Strength, Challenge.” 6/20/2011

4. “Gilbert Town Manager Finalists Face Interviews by 3 Groups.” 6/17/2011

5. “Opinion: Gilbert Town Manager Candidates’ Red Flags Take Focus Off Visionary Discussions.” Editorial. 6/8/2011

6. “Gilbert Town Manager Finalists: Some Have Question Marks.” 6/7/2011

7. “Gilbert Town Manager Candidates.” 6/7/2011.