True the Vote – This is Your Entry into DOING SOMETHING

Are you just now becoming aware that our country is in serious trouble? Do you have a friend who wonders, "What’s the big deal?" Did you know that the Democrat Party, Obama, and the Department of Justice are doing all they can to win the 2012 election, even if it means aiding and abetting voter fraud?

Imagine waking up the day after the election and seeing Obama take Office for another 4 years. Worst nightmare?



Please join Brad Zinn and Jennifer Wright, AZ State Directors for ‘True the Vote’ with special guest, Catherine Engelbreckt, Nat’l Director of ‘True the Vote’ on Saturday, April 14th, from 2 pm – 4 pm at the Marriott Mesa Hotel, 200 N. Centennial Way, Mesa, AZ!!

Obama cannot run on his record to be re-elected, so he is planning to thwart the integrity of our U.S. election system to ensure his re-election through rampant voter fraud!! The American Center for Law and Justice has already identified 24 MILLION voter inaccurances throughout the U.S.

Verify The Vote, Arizona Elections Task Force (headed by Bradd Zinn and Jennifer Wright) is proud to present Catherine Engelbrecht from True The Vote in Houston, Texas. Despite her in demand schedule, she has amazingly agreed to spend three days in Arizona!

Please help us to welcome her to Arizona, and show her what kind of Patriots we have here in our State! We need as many people as possible to hear her message; Catherine and her group, King Street Patriots, got the Voter ID law passed in Texas that is now under attack by the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE.

What consequences will this have for Arizona? Come and find out… The recall petitions in Wisconsin for Gov. Scott Walker were loaded with bogus signatures. Catherine spearheaded an effort to recruit over 14,000 volunteers nationwide to challenge these signatures. The repercussions were felt all across the country. What does this mean for this and future recall elections? Come and find out…

The non-profit status of Tea Parties are being challenged by the IRS. What does this mean to the future of the Tea Party movement? Come and find out…
What are you able to do to assure a free, fair, open, honest, accountable election in November 2012? What CAN you do? Come and find out!

Whatever you do, do NOT miss this must attend event! While there will be no admission charged, we will ask for a free will offering at each event to defray Catherine’s travel expenses to Arizona. There is NO reason to not attend and hear some of the most important information affecting the future of our Republic. Vote fraud and ballot integrity are going to be crucial this year. Be sure to bring a friend! You can play a part in making Catherine’s visit successful!

Spread the word!

Thank you for your interest in helping Catherine to True The Vote, and in Maricopa County, helping to Verify The Vote!

In Liberty United,

Arizona Tea Party Patriot Association Leadership Team