Cave Creek, AZ – As the only candidate for Governor who has both military and law enforcement experience, Frank Riggs says he’ll make public safety and securing the border his top priority. “Our state and national border with Mexico is not secure,” Riggs said. “Securing the border is a matter of national security, the most important responsibility of the federal government, and also a matter of public safety, the most important responsibility of state government.”
Riggs is an Army veteran who served as a military policeman and military police investigator. After leaving the Army, he was a police officer and deputy sheriff and performed a number of assignments including patrol, investigations and crime prevention. As a U.S. Congressman, Riggs helped secure the funding to build the double fence along the California border with Mexico, which was extended into Arizona along the Yuma Sector of the border. Riggs wants to continue the fence along the Tucson Sector of the border and deploy the manpower and technology necessary to secure that Sector. “As a former police officer, I strongly support the provisions of SB 1070 that would allow a local law enforcement officer to detain and arrest an individual when they have probable cause to believe that person is an illegal alien violating our country’s immigration laws,” Riggs said.
Riggs is proposing to reorient the Arizona National Guard’s mission to include law enforcement and border security, and deploy those units to supplement the Border Patrol, and border county sheriff’s departments, in stopping the drug and alien smugglers and stemming the tide of border violence. “As the only candidate for Governor with both military and law enforcement experience, I’m prepared to serve as commander-in-chief of the Arizona National Guard, and will personally lead, from the front, the enforcement and security of our border,” Riggs concluded.
Click HERE to read Frank Riggs stand on many issues facing Arizona.
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