Wait for Me – Rebecca St. James

For young women (older women, too!) who want to separate the men from the boys….

God will bring the right person in His perfect timing. God wants you to trust Him and focus on serving Him now, so you’ll meet your best friend while you’re serving the Lord. How cool is that? And if you’ve already been sexually active, God forgives, forgets and that is NOT who you are as a person. Your past is not your identity. You can make better choices starting at this very moment."  Tina Marie Griffin

See Also:

The First Time I Had Sex, by Tina Marie Griffin

Will my baby granddaughter pay the price of my fight for equality? Sixties feminist JEANNETTE KUPFERMAN sees the emotional emptiness facing women today

How to Raise Honorable, Courageous and Compassionate Boys!


TEEN VOGUE Normalizes Sodomy for Young Girls and Shows Them How to do it