Arizona Origin Science Association Meeting Oct. 24

The Gila Division of the Arizona Origin Science Association (AZOSA)  will hold its last meeting of the year on Tuesday, October 24 at 7:00 pm, in the Payson Public Library Meeting Room.  Address is 328 N. McLane Rd., Payson.  The featured speaker is Keaton Halley from Creation Ministries International.  His presentation is titled, "Creation: What’s The Big Deal?" 

After receiving a B.A. in Visual Communications from Judson University, Keaton worked as a Graphic Designer for a major Christian publication. Wanting to be more effective in reaching our culture with the Bible’s truth, Keaton also earned a Master’s degree in Christian Apologetics from Biola University. As a member of a local creation group in his home state of Illinois, Keaton gained valuable experience in communicating the relevance of the Genesis account of creation to the Gospel’s big picture.

Learn how science, when properly understood, confirms the truth of the Bible starting with the first verse in Genesis!

This meeting, as with all AzOSA meetings, is open to the public and is FREE!

For more information, call or email Michael Calcagno, the AzOSA Gila Division VP, at 503-476-2300 or

See Also:

Arizona Origin Science Association: "Our Created Solar System"

Arizona Origin Science Association Meeting March 28

Creation Ministries International 

Ark Encounter 

Creation Museum