According to a recent Capitol Times Yellow Sheet Report titled “Underwater is a Bad Place to Be,” Superintendent of Public Instruction Diane Douglas is going to have an uphill battle to get reelected.
A recent poll by GOP consultant Chris Baker shows incumbent Douglas with ratings of 15 percent favorability and a whopping 47 percent unfavorability. Another 38 percent had no opinion. “I think Diane Douglas has probably reached the point of no return,” Baker told the Capitol Times reporter.
As stated in the article, “the poll surveyed 500 self-described likely voters (all of whom have voted in at least one of the last two general elections) from June 14-15, with a partisan breakdown of 35 percent Republicans, 31 percent Democrats and 33 percent independents. Of those 500 voters, 70 percent were contacted on landlines via autodial, while 30 percent were interviewed by live callers on their cell phones. The poll had a margin of error of plus-minus 4.9 percent.”
This is what happens when a novice takes office with no business or executive experience.
Arizona needs a strong, tested and proven Superintendent with the right combination of executive experience, managerial skills, knowledge of education policies and practices, integrity, and judgment to lead our state’s K-12 schools! That person is Frank Riggs.
Frank Riggs has a highly successful history of leadership in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors. He’s been a business executive and owner, U.S. Congressman, and CEO of Charter Schools Development Corporation, an award-winning national education nonprofit. He’s been a leader in education for several years and at every level: public school board president, charter school president, and Chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives’ Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary and Secondary Education.
He’s been a mentor, coach, and volunteer with young people throughout his adult life. He’s taught U.S. History and American government at the junior high and high school levels and has also taught adults in many diverse settings. Frank is also an Army veteran and former police officer.
The Superintendent of Public Instruction’s job requires high-level executive experience. It’s about leading and managing the state agency that accounts for 42% of the state’s general fund expenditures and oversees state policies, programs and funding for the education of 1.1 million public school students in grades K-12. Frank Riggs is fully prepared for the wide-ranging executive responsibilities of this important, statewide constitutional office. He’s unquestionably the most qualified candidate to represent the Republican Party as our nominee.
See Also:
Frank Riggs Record of Leadership
Legislation Co-Authored by Frank Riggs might help to Overturn Onerous Education Regulations
As you might know, the Congressional Review Act which Rep. Riggs co-authored/sponsored has been used by the Trump Administration and the current Congress (under a Resolution of Disapproval) to repeal 14 major regulations enacted in the last 90 days of the Obama Administration (including the latest regulations under the Every Student Succeeds Act, aka the Elementary and Secondary Education Act).
Frank Riggs for Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction
Riggs’ Congressional Record on education issues
Joe Foss Institute Praises American Civics Act Signing
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Common Core Standards