Diane Douglas Underwater; Frank Riggs Swimming to the Top

According to a recent Capitol Times Yellow Sheet Report titled “Underwater is a Bad Place to Be,” Superintendent of Public Instruction Diane Douglas is going to have an uphill battle to get reelected.  

A recent poll by GOP consultant Chris Baker shows incumbent Douglas with ratings of 15 percent favorability and a whopping 47 percent unfavorability.  Another 38 percent had no opinion. “I think Diane Douglas has probably reached the point of no return,” Baker told the Capitol Times reporter.

As stated in the article, “the poll surveyed 500 self-described likely voters (all of whom have voted in at least one of the last two general elections) from June 14-15, with a partisan breakdown of 35 percent Republicans, 31 percent Democrats and 33 percent independents. Of those 500 voters, 70 percent were contacted on landlines via autodial, while 30 percent were interviewed by live callers on their cell phones. The poll had a margin of error of plus-minus 4.9 percent.”

This is what happens when a novice takes office with no business or executive experience. 

Arizona needs a strong, tested and proven Superintendent with the right combination of executive experience, managerial skills, knowledge of education policies and practices, integrity, and judgment to lead our state’s K-12 schools!  That person is Frank Riggs.  

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Arizona Constitution Seminar: 11/23/2013

Did you know that the Arizona Constitution is comprised of only 108 pages?  Here’s the link.  The United States Constitution, including all 27 Amendments is comprised of only 21 pages.  Here’s the link.  Did you know that the Arizona Constitution provides more individual protections in some areas than the U.S. Constitution, but that it also contains some of the most destructive, progressive elements as well?  Have you heard of the Black Robe Regiment, and its recent resurgence?  Here’s the link.   Did you know that more than ever in the history of America, our religious liberties are being assaulted, and Alliance Defending Freedom is doing all possible to help?  Were you aware that when the IRS informs you that you must submit to an audit, they are violating the Fourth Amendment, unless they have obtained a search warrant and proved probable causethat you have broken a law?  Here’s the link.  

We learned this and much more at the 11/23/2013 seminar that was organized by Sue Goodchild and held at the Living Faith Center in Prescott Valley.  The cost was a mere $20, and included a wonderful catered lunch.

The speakers were Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne, Arizona Senator Chester Crandell (LD6), former Arizona Senator and Justice of the Peace Lester Pearce, and Shane Krauser, the director of the American Academy for Constitutional Education.

It was eye opening. 

Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne spoke about some of the more positive aspects of provisions found in the Arizona Constitution.  He first noted the Preamble, which is similar to the U.S. Constitution as well as other states’ constitutions all across America: 

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ALIS and RTS: Tools for the politically active

by Patrick O’Malley
Precinct Committeeman LD12

This year there are two applications on the Arizona State Legislature website (azleg.gov) that every Conservative should know about. They are the Arizona Legislative Information System (ALIS, pronounced like Alice) and the Request To Speak (RTS) applications. The Progressives are on board and using RTS to out comment Conservatives by two to one, and all of their comments are read as part of Legislative Committee hearings. We need to speak up or our Legislators will be overwhelmed with comments that don’t support our views.

Both applications deal with new bills under consideration by the Legislature. They both let you search for bills of interest to you and see what committees they have to go through to get to the floor. You can mark bills of interest to you and put them in a personal list so you can check on them quickly. 


The disadvantage of the RTS application is you have to physically go to the State Capitol to create your account, or get somebody to do it for you. After that you can do everything with RTS online.  With the ALIS application you can create an account online and track bills, but you can’t make comments. This article focuses on RTS because RTS does everything ALIS does and lets you make comments that will be read in committee meetings.

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Has YOUR Legislator been Endorsed by Pro Common Core, Anti-Parent “Stand for Children”?

Stand for Children/Arizona has just endorsed 26 candidates for the Arizona Legislature in the Primary Election on August 30.  “Stand for Children Arizona does not take its endorsement process lightly.  These candidates have been fully vetted to make sure they currently agree with, and will stay true to a majority of Stand’s policies and educational priorities that we believe will bring the quickest results." 

 A review of Stand for Children/Arizona’s website indicates that this group proudly supports the entire Common Core agenda, aka Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards, including AzMerit.  

Stand is proud to have defeated a litany of anti-Common Core legislation, as well as other bills that parents have fought for, including the defeated SB1455.  This bill would have acknowledged that parents know more than the State about what’s best for their own children.  These parents wanted to opt their children out of the unvalidated, secretive AzMerit.  Stand would have none of it.  See "Top Legislative Results."   

Parents and their children suffered verbal and emotional abuse at the hands of school administrators, teachers, other parents, and other students for daring to opt out of AZMerit.  Remember?  See Sen. Allen calls for schools to respect parents over assessment concerns, The Schools’ War On Arizona’s Children: Part 1, The Schools’ War on Arizona’s Children: Part 2 Online Charter Schools The Schools’ War on Arizona’s Children: Part 3 Emotional Child Abuse.

Voters should be wary of groups that "sound" wonderful.  Scratch the surface, and you discover how pro-Statist and anti-Family they truly are.   Expect More Arizona is another such group.  See Is Expect More Arizona in it for the Money?    

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Jimmy Lindblom and LaCinda Lewis Endorsed by Pro Common Core, Anti-Parent “Stand for Children”

Stand for Children/Arizona has just endorsed Jimmy Lindblom, who is running for a Senate seat against Warren Petersen in LD12, and LaCinda Lewis, who is competing against Eddie Farnsworth  and Travis Grantham in the House.

 A review of Stand for Children/Arizona’s website indicates that this group proudly supports the entire Common Core agenda, aka Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards, including AzMerit.  

Stand is proud to have defeated a litany of anti-Common Core legislation, as well as other bills that parents have fought for, including the defeated SB1455.  This bill would have acknowledged that parents know more than the State about what’s best for their own children.  These parents wanted to opt their children out of the unvalidated, secretive AzMerit.  Stand would have none of it.  See "Top Legislative Results."   

Parents and their children suffered verbal and emotional abuse at the hands of school administrators, teachers, other parents, and other students for daring to opt out of AZMerit.  Remember?  See Sen. Allen calls for schools to respect parents over assessment concerns, The Schools’ War On Arizona’s Children: Part 1, The Schools’ War on Arizona’s Children: Part 2 Online Charter Schools The Schools’ War on Arizona’s Children: Part 3 Emotional Child Abuse.

Voters should be wary of groups that "sound" wonderful.  Scratch the surface, and you discover how pro-Statist and anti-Family they truly are.   Expect More Arizona is another such group.  See Is Expect More Arizona in it for the Money?    


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Voting – Heads or Tails?

If you haven’t been introduced to GilbertPolitics.com, I urge you to get acquainted.  This blog is published and thoughtfully written by concerned citizen and constitutional conservative Travis Dutson.  He unapologetically states, "Yes, I’m opinionated."  Please take advantage of his carefully studied, respectful opinions.  In his most recent post titled Voting – Heads or Tails, Mr. Dutson provides insight into why he has chosen to support certain candidates, including those running for U.S. Senate, Congressional CD5, LD12 Arizona Senate and House, and Gilbert Town Council.

We enjoy our liberties because of people like Travis Dutson who fights to protect them!  As you read his article, be sure to click on the link and read the Comments, which are equally enlightening.  Enjoy!

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Itasca Small for LD25 Senate: Event Schedule

Itasca Small will be speaking at the AzRA (Arizona Republican Assembly) East Valley Chapter Meeting on Tuesday, August 2. The meeting is at the City of Mesa Fire Station 201, 360 E. 1st Street, Mesa. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. The meeting starts at 7 p.m. and adjourns at 8:30 p.m. 

Itasca will be at the Mesa Republican Women’s Luncheon on August 4 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The meeting is held at 1900 E. University Dr., Mesa, AZ 85213, Northwest corner of University Dr. and Gilbert Rd. Riviera Plaza.

Ms. Small has been invited to Marlene Hinton’s home on Sunday, August 7. It is open to anyone who wants to come. Marlene typically invites a couple of candidates in each of the main races to come represent themselves and answer questions. Please call 480-205-5178 for the address. 

For more information on Itasca Small, please read Itasca Small for Arizona Senate (LD25): DEFEAT Bob Worsley! also Bob Worsley’s Anti-Parent Votes. 

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Itasca Small for Arizona Senate (LD25): DEFEAT Bob Worsley!

Itasca Small is an official write-in candidate running against Bob Worsley in LD25.  Ms. Small is a long-time supporter and activist for Arizona’s sovereign rights, local control over education, and stopping the Common Core machine.  She is pro-Bill of Rights, Parental Rights, and Individual Liberty.  She is against the misuse of tax dollars, including subsidizing corporate welfare and taxpayer-paid entitlement programs, such as ObamaCare (Medicaid Expansion). Her campaign slogan is "Liberty Begins in our Own Backyard!  SMALL for small government!"  

Itasca is not a passive observer of the Arizona Legislature; rather, she has spent hundreds of hours at our State Capitol as a citizen lobbyist, defending both our U.S. Constitution and Arizona Constitution, and.educating legislators on the proper role of government.  

I have known and worked with Ms. Small on many occasions.  She is unapologetically passionate about her convictions. Yet, she is always open, respectful, and gracious when responding to differing views.  Her humility is refreshing.    See her article titled Arizona Standards Committee Working on a Faulty Premise. 

States Ms. Small, "I am not a natural speaker.  But God gives me the words, and, in spite of my aversion to public speaking, live audiences are usually inspired by my message.  I’m thankful that God helps me to do as well as I do." 

If you want a candidate who will be faithful to her Oath of Office, please write in Itasca Small for Arizona Senate (LD25).  

In this short video clip from a meeting in November, 2015, she spontaneously and passionately speaks to some issues relating to Common Core.  

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